Another semester has come and (almost) gone, and there’s that email in your mailbox “Don’t forget to register for next semester’s classes!” This, in itself, brings a wide range of emotions, from excitement to anxiety to the perpetual fear of not getting into that class in your shopping cart. At some point or another, we’ve all had to deal with #ClassRegistrationProbs:
-Signing up for a class in a different city unknowingly. “Murray, huh what a strange name for a building…”
-Needing electives to graduate, and the only one that’s open is a 6 hour a week class about the geography of China (I’m sure this class is actually interesting, it’s more the 6 hours a week that concerns me…)
-Classes that you need always seem to be offered at the same times
-Not realizing that your classes are so far apart that you’ll be out of breath and sweating by the time you get from President’s Circle to the business building in the 20 minutes you have to get there
-Choosing whether an early morning or a late night class will really be that bad (usually, it will be)
-And the worst of of all the probs, when the class is full and you know you’re going to spend the first week of the semester hounding the professor for that coveted “add-in” code
Fortunately, Spring 2015 was the last class registration I ever had to endure. But for the rest of you, I wish you the best of luck! Less than two weeks until Fall 2015 registration…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]