The U officially announced it will be raising tuition this upcoming year.
A student seminar was held Wednesday in which Dr. Ruth Watkins, senior vice president of academic affairs, addressed concerns, questions and complaints in regards to the increase. Watkins said new funds will go toward new programs and improving current programs to make the U more competitive with other schools.
According to the U’s tuition form website, tuition is split into 16 mandatory fees. These fees include a portion distributed toward ASUU, sustainability and the study abroad programs. Brandon Maher, a senior in communications, said he feels forcing students to pay for resources they don’t need is unfair.
“I don’t agree with putting funds into places that I don’t use,” Maher said. “I never studied abroad, but I’m still paying for that service despite it being seemingly totally useless to me.”
However, Maher isn’t completely opposed to the increase.
“Schools like UConn are extremely expensive, but everyone knows when you’ve graduated where you went to school and how hard you worked for your degree,” Maher said. “I think that in a few years my degree could potentially look better and more impressive, and part of that is raising tuition in order to have the best possible college experience.”
No exact dollar amount was given for the increase, but students at the seminar were assured that the rise would not be too drastic.