“I don’t swimsuit” has been my personal catchphrase this spring.
It’s not that I’m allergic to spandex (although I might try that excuse) or that “swimsuit” is even a real verb. It’s just when most people are heralding in “Swimsuit Season,” I prefer to piously observe “Girl Scout Cookie Season” — I am pretty devout to the almighty Thin Mint, after all. And that’s not exactly conducive to me parading about in a body-hugging wetsuit (please erase that image from your mind).
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all about that bass (more so than Meghan Trainor). I’ve got curves, and I’m proud of ‘em. But it’s never a bad idea to get some exercise, while still maintaining a healthy body image.
And for this month’s Wasatch Magazine, we plan to do just that. We’re bringing you our “Get Fit” issue, chock full of great ways to break a sweat outdoors. In these pages, you’ll find stories on mountain biking, running, and kayaking, as well as some yoga and diet pieces.
So pin-up some motivational cat posters and pull back your man buns because this is your guide to getting in shape for summer.
—Courtney Tanner