What do GoPros, Cheesecake Factory gift cards and U football tickets have in common? They were all prizes handed out to students at the Senior Send-off on Tuesday.
Seniors packed into the University Guest House and began an evening of giveaways, inspirational speeches and fellowship with one another. The free event was sponsored by the Alumni Association and the MUSS, who provided dinner.
Jeffrey Furlong, a senior in sociology, said that he went mostly for the promise of free food and prizes, but still felt grateful for what he has learned at the U.
“The greatest lesson I’ve learned is what diversity is and why it matters,” Furlong said. “Some people think of diversity as a buzzword, but for me it has been about realizing the humanity of other people before judging them.”
There were several special offers for students that attended the event. The alumni association offered a discounted rate of membership at $15 per person off the normal $50. A Liberty Mutual representative spoke about a 15 percent discount nationwide for U graduates interested in auto and home insurance. In addition, car owners could get a free U license plate for one year.
Deanie Wimmer of KSL News and a U graduate in communications, delivered the keynote address which she called, “Lessons, Losses and Living with Cougars.” She broke her speech into five parts — One: Position for the Position, Two: Focus on Plan A, Three: Love What You Do, Four: What You Say and Do Are Permanent and Five: Savor Your Successes.
Wimmer talked about her experience becoming a lead anchor on KSL and explained to students that the key to success is working with what you are given.
“One of the most important lessons I learned during my time in college was to focus on plan A,” Wimmer said. “I was getting so bogged down with figuring out what my plan B would be that I wasn’t giving my 100 percent to plan A. Focusing on plan A forced me to commit to the path I was on at the time.”
Wimmer closed her speech by emphasizing the importance of keeping school pride. She said during her time at KSL she has always been the resident U fan amongst a sea of BYU fans. She finished her speech by showing a clip of Greg Wrubell, the “Voice of the Cougars,” singing the Utah Man song after having lost a bet to Wimmer.