The Chronicle newsroom. It’s been a great three years working on the photo staff as a photographer, the assistant photo editor and finally as Photo Editor. The newsroom is dead from 9 to 5 p.m. but is popping after closing hours. I’m not really a sappy person, but bear with me as I look back on the time I’ve spent here.
It makes me cringe, but it comes with good memories. The memories that will stick with me most are the long car rides with Ryan Miller and Griffin Adams — the Kings of Sports — camping out on Coach K’s front lawn, getting weird looks from the neighbors, the late nights with Taylor jamming to the guitar while he’s waiting for proofs to be ready, running down the field with Conor Barry with our ears bleeding from the MUSS’s roar and talks about the past with long-time friend Anna Drysdale.
It’s weird to think about life outside of college. We spend about four years doing the whole training-for-adulthood thing, only to be terrified when we actually are ready to hit the ground running. If there is one thing I would tell anyone in school, freshman or senior, young or old, it would be to get involved. The friends you make on campus turn into your family, and you’ll love coming to school everyday. I couldn’t have asked for a better college experience. Working in a student newsroom actually gives you a lot of real-world experience. It gives you face-time with professionals and lets you chase after news that is interesting to you.
Take that leap into the unknown, experience things you have never done and never be afraid to chase your dreams. Look to others for lessons on life and examples of what to and what not to do. The people who surround us make up who we are and who we are going to become. To quote one of my favorite authors, William Shakespeare, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Which one are you?
It’s been a pleasure, Daily Utah Chronicle. I look forward to seeing where the future will lead you and who will step up to take leadership of this fantastic group with a great goal. Thanks for the memories, lessons and great times. Read, shoot and create the story that should be shared with the world. Later.