During the chaotic period of the presidential elections, most candidates attempt to present themselves as favorably as possible. This generalization excludes Donald Trump. The Republican contender has distanced himself from the stereotypical mannerisms of a politician – shady and feigning – and has instead been forthcoming to many throughout his campaign. What Trump does not realize is how wrong his attitude – actually, his personality as a whole – is for the United States government. Above all, the President of the United States is an ambassador. It is his or her duty to maintain optimal relations between America and the rest of the world. This requires that the president be charismatic, patient and accepting. They must be willing to create situations and agreements that benefit all parties. They must be everything that Trump is not.
Throughout the history of the U.S., the president has served as a mediator for international situations. Ronald Reagan was able to diffuse the Iran Hostage Crisis. Woodrow Wilson participated in the Treaty of Versailles to officially end World War I. Teddy Roosevelt brokered the negotiations that ended the Russo-Japanese War in the Treaty of Portsmouth. The president is supposed to put an end to tensions and discontent. They are not supposed to create it. In his attempt at becoming the president, Trump has offended the Hispanic community, women, environmentalists, the entire nation of China and almost everyone in between.
His debate with Megyn Kelly and his remarks about her menstrual cycle that followed were awful. It is horrible that a man of his stature would comment on a woman’s hormones as a possible cause of her intense questioning of a candidate. However, the emotions these words stirred have been the primary focus of the backlash against Trump. It is absolutely true that the U.S. should not appoint a president who is capable of such insensitivity and sexism. Those words proved something else about Trump that is very important – he is a coward. That is a an inexcusable characteristic in a presidential hopeful. Kelly asked Trump some very tough questions that were obviously difficult to answer. Instead of embracing the opportunity to apologize for his past offensive remarks, he chose to make more. He complained about her interviewing style and attributed her toughness to menstruation. If Trump is unable to answer the trying questions of an American journalist during a televised debate, he cannot be expected to make rational decisions when confronted by terrorist groups, foreign nations and discontent in other branches of the government.
Based on his disgusting treatment of Kelly, Trump would doom the U.S.’ relations with countries in South America, Europe and Asia. The U.S. shares many common interests with Argentina, such as putting an end to human trafficking and countering terrorism. The president of Argentina is a woman named Cristina Kirchner, and it is highly unlikely that she would continue efforts with the U.S. if Trump attributed her directness to hormones. Trump would absolutely butcher the U.S. ties with Argentina, as well as Germany, Brazil and South Korea, all of which have female leaders, and all of which the U.S. relies on heavily as allies.
It is not just female leaders that Trump would offend. His remarks about Mexican immigrants were shockingly inappropriate for a presidential hopeful. The U.S. and Mexico have worked in unison to reduce drug trafficking and transnational crime. Trump’s comments were insensitive to the Hispanic community and to the efforts the U.S. government has in place. He claimed that Mexican immigrants are bringing drugs and crime into the U.S. The Mérida Initiative was created by both countries and provides funding and training to Mexican government officials to combat drug trafficking. Making generalizations about Mexican immigrants being criminals is not only racial profiling, but it demonstrates a lack of knowledge about America’s international policies with Mexico, something a presidential hopeful should definitely be educated on. Trump does not know about basic relations between the U.S. and our bordering country, and that shows carelessness and ignorance. Those are two traits that would create an ineffective president.
Trump is an absolute embarrassment to the U.S. It is ridiculous that someone who wants to uphold a powerful and important political position would make such disrespectful and horrid remarks about other people. However, Trump continues to rise in the polls and gain popularity within the Republican Party because no one is paying attention to the true meaning of his statements. Some supporters of Trump applaud his honesty, but his candor is not sustainable. Eventually, the entire nation and, at the rate he is going, the entire world will be offended by something he has to say. That would only isolate the U.S., and it would not matter if we have a straightforward president. We are just repairing relations with Cuba after more than fifty years. Imagine how long it will take to fix affairs with other countries after Trump is president.