Dressing up for Halloween is hard. No matter who (or what) you dress up as, there’s always someone with a cuter or more clever costume. And with Halloween falling right in the heat of Fall Semester, it’s impossible to find time to come up with something good. So we’ve done the job for you. Here’s a list of cute and clever Halloween costumes for those of you who waited until the last minute.
Girl Who Lost Her Pants in a House Fire
Halloween is that time of year where you can really go all-out and dress in way less clothing than you normally would. And this costume is the perfect way to do that. Simply put on a cute top and that’s it!
Any Kind of Large Houseplant
This one is so easy. The first step: Paint yourself green and wear green clothes. But the real beauty behind this costume is in the execution. Go to that Halloween party you’ve been wanting to go to and stand in the corner, completely still. If someone comes up and tries to start a conversation with you, don’t respond. Plants don’t talk, so neither should you. Your commitment will impress your friends, and you’ll be the talk of the party.
If other people’s Halloween costumes make yours feel like trash, why not actually be trash? Wear a black trash bag and glue actual pieces of garbage to it. Not only will you look like it, but you’ll smell like it too!
This is a costume that requires a bit of planning. For the week leading up to Halloween, choose a friend and leave them terrifying death threats. Break into their house and move things around so they know you were there. Leave voicemails on their phone from blocked numbers and disguise your voice. Say things like, “That’s a nice shirt you’re wearing.” If you’re really committed, kill your friend’s dog. Then, on the night of Halloween, reveal that it was you this whole time. You’ll both get a huge laugh out of the whole experience.
Someone Who Forgot It Was Halloween
Don’t go out. Stay home alone. Don’t give out candy. Do homework. Act like it was any other day of the week. The next day, when people ask you what you did, say, “Oh, dude, was Halloween last night? I totally forgot.” You didn’t forget, though, and you know that. They don’t know, but you know.
Republican Presidential Candidate
This one’s tricky. You have to be a white male wearing a suit. Actually … that’s about it.
An Arts Major Graduate
For this one you’re going to want to buy some clothes off a homeless man. Wear those. Make a cardboard sign that says “Will draw for food.”
Social Justice Warrior
The key to this one is to not wear a costume at all, because it might offend someone. Go to Halloween parties in your normal clothes and criticize other people’s culturally insensitive costumes: “You shouldn’t diminish Egyptian culture to just mummies.”