Here’s your Daily Utah Chronicle pop culture round-up: for everything you missed this week in pop culture because you were too busy doing things that actually matter, like homework.
The Golden Globes took place on Jan. 10. Two notable things happened at the Golden Globes. The first is the look of horror on Leonardo DiCaprio’s face as Lady Gaga accidentally brushed his arm on her way up to the stage (he later did apologize, which Gaga accepted). Secondly, after the Golden Globes, Jennifer Lawrence harassed a reporter during a press conference for being on his phone, despite the fact that he didn’t speak English very well and was maybe using his phone to read off his questions. Despite this lapse into her typical rudeness, Lawrence will still probably manage to remain one of Hollywood’s golden girls.
Two Stars Die in Hollywood
David Bowie had been battling cancer for about a year and a half when he died. Many celebrities took to Twitter to express their grief and send condolences to his family and each other as the gender-nonconforming legend moved on. RIP Starman.
Additionally, Alan Rickman, most affectionately known for his role as Professor Snape in the “Harry Potter” films, passed away from cancer. He leaves behind a legacy of activism and an extremely diverse film and theater career.
In happier news, the Oscar Nominations are out. It’s unlikely the Acadmeny Awards will take place without a dedication to both Bowie and Rickman. In addition, Leonardo DiCaprio’s new movie “The Revenant” takes the lead with most nomination, including one for Best Actor. Who knows, maybe this is the year Leo will finally win an Oscar.