Although ASUU elections don’t start until Saturday, candidates from both parties spoke to the U’s Board of Trustees early Tuesday morning to give brief outlines of their campaign platforms.
Student Leading Change (S.L.C.) Party
- President: Jack Bender
- Student Relations Vice President: Jessica Patterson
- University Relations Vice President: Matt Miller
PLATFORM: Lower student fees, increase university and community engagement, change the identity of ASUU.
ONE Party
- President: Jared Seachris
- Student Relations Vice President: Callie Smith
- University Relations Vice President: Christina Ripley
PLATFORM: Lead progress university-wide, start new traditions, increase involvement.
Board Chair Michele Mattsson thanked each candidate for seeking office, as well as for attending the meeting.
“I’m sorry that one party will make it and one will not, but I really think that the process is something, and we credit you for doing that,” Mattsson said.
U President David Pershing wished both parties well.
“One of the things I love most about this job is the opportunity to work with the student body office,” he said. “Whoever ends up being elected, I look forward to working with.”
In past years, parties have included a student body president position; for this election, a second vice president will replace that slot. Campaigning begins next week. Voting will take place the last week of February and first week of March. Winners will be announced March 4 at 5 p.m.