Students took the opportunity to indulge in candy, cookies and kisses at ASUU’s True to U event.
Just before Valentine’s Day, students were invited to take a photo kissing or showing their school pride in front of the Block U on lower campus. Music echoed in the middle of campus as hot chocolate and cookies were served during the photo shoot from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Representatives from ASUU, K-Ute Radio and Dining Services flagged down students in between classes to get one of the U’s traditions “off the ground.”
ASUU’s Campus Traditions Board, supervised by senior class president Brittni Strickland, put on the event as a part of the initiative to make U traditions more widely known.
Typical “true” traditions such as the True Aggie at Utah State involve kissing another person in front of school statues. The U version was designed to be inclusive where students were not limited to kissing but could take photos by themselves or with friends in front of the Block U.
“Pictures last forever,” Strickland said. “It’s a memory that students can always have and have a little fun with.”
Originally planned to be a nighttime activity, True to U was rescheduled for the middle of the day with hopes of increasing participation.
Toiria Graham, a senior in psychology and sociology, took a photo with her sister-in-law, Jessica Graham.
“It’s an excuse to get out and meet new people,” Graham said.
Photos will be available through ASUU’s Facebook page.