PRO – Trump could solve the “immigration crisis” by making America such an undesirable destination that no one will want to come here. No wall needed.
CON – On the other hand, a Trump Presidency would result in a huge migration of birds to America, as they mistake his hair piece for a nest.
PRO – For the second time in a row, a person of color will be President of the United Sates. That color? Orange.
CON – Unfortunately, orange doesn’t really go well with other colors.
PRO – Thousands of people will finally have the motivation they need to fulfill their lifelong dream of moving to Europe, ushering in a new era of great literature written by American ex-pats living in Paris.
CON – Paris is really freaking expensive.
PRO – The White House will get some classy additions. Like, you know, slot machines.
CON – The White House will become the “Whites-Only House.”
PRO – The inevitable reality TV show, “The Real Housewives of President Donald J. Trump,” and all the cringe-worthy hilarity that that entails.
CON – The inevitable thermo-nuclear war with whoever rubs Trump the wrong way.