Jessica Patterson was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii and came to the U originally as a ballet major. After spending her freshman year in the ballet department, she decided to change her major, pick up a minor and become more involved on campus.
Patterson joined a sorority and an honor society, began making connections with new people and ended up meeting Jack Bender, who would eventually ask her to be one of his Vice Presidents in the 2016 ASUU elections.
“I can honestly say that opening myself up to new experiences and new people throughout my college career has paid off, because I could not be happier to be representing my school and my fellow U students as Vice President of Student Relations this coming year,” said Patterson.
Upon being elected into office, Patterson worked diligently with Bender and Matt Miller to create a platform, party name and work out other various details in preparation for the three week election process in February. In addition, they made a campaign video, tabled throughout campus to promote their party’s platform and participated in two campus debates.
Patterson’s plans while being in office consist of working with the Facilities Management team to improve safety on campus through better lighting in parking lots and walkways. She will also focus on the second “pillar” of their platform which includes increasing campus safety, a project that she is passionate and excited about working on.