Airyka Timbers, a sophomore at the University of Utah kept things strictly monochromatic on the day she was interviewed. The philosophy major and linguistics minor was dressed from head to toe in form-fitting black, composed of a sleeveless top and cotton bomber jacket from Asos paired with Fashion Nova leggings and Nike Air Max shoes. The leggings along with the shoes added a subtle yet effective pop of white, while the large hoop earrings and nose piercing tied the entire look together expertly.
Personal Style
“Simple” was how Timbers defined her style when asked to do so in a single word. This is definitely observable in this outfit. Color and accessories were chosen in a selective and minimal manner for a reason. “My style is really simple. I’m a t-shirt and jean girl and as long as I have earrings on and a cute pair of sneakers, I’m perfectly happy.”
Timbers preferred to let the fit of an ensemble speak for itself. “I really go for clothes that are a bit tighter. So even if I don’t wear an extra small I’ll still get an extra small just because I know it will be a very tight fit. It’s more comfortable and I just don’t like the feeling of having loose clothes on, it make me feel like I’m drowning in them.”
Shopping Preferences
As far as places to shop, Timbers admitted that she rarely shops in-store, explaining that she hates trying clothes on beforehand. Instead she prefers to do the majority of her shopping online. Her go-to websites included Zara, Fashion Nova and Nike. Fashion Nova stood out in particular as being Timbers’ favorite destination for wardrobe essentials. “Fashion Nova is like an H&M except it’s online and they have really good quality for the prices. It’s very popular on Instagram, and you see a lot of girls wearing Fashion Nova because it really fits their curves. If you’re a girl, no matter what size you are, you could be an extra small or any other size, and it will fit your curves perfectly. It’s also fast shipping so it’s ideal for a college student.”
When asked what the next purchase she planned on making was, Timbers was unable to come up with anything particular. She attributed that to her tendency to buy without too much premeditation. “I don’t currently have a specific thing I’m looking to buy at the moment. I’m more of an impulsive shopper so if I see something and I like it, I buy it.”
Current Trends
When it came to popular trends in today’s fashion landscape, Timbers expressed a love for neutral color palettes and jersey dresses. “I like the neutral color trend. I feel like people are more focused on matching perfectly now. I really think basketball jersey dresses are also coming back in style which is super cute for the summer.” Admiration for the first trend definitely translated in Timbers’ all black look.
Usually people are quick to single out a trend they may have a particular distaste for, however Timbers seemed to have a very open mind when it came to the fashion choices of others. “…And I don’t have any trends that I hate. I think whatever you feel comfortable in, whatever you like, looks good.”
Fashion Inspiration
Model Karrueche Tran and public figure Kim Kardashian were among Timbers’ biggest influencers. Timbers was quick to praise Tran’s laid-back style which once again underlined Timbers’ preference to keep things simple and comfortable. “I really like Karrueche’s style because she’s so casual and she just has a mixture of great pieces she puts with everything.”
Timbers proves simplicity really is key and that attention to fit and detail will always outshine the most over-the-top outfits.