The life of a student is crazy between work, having an social life and all those teachers that think their class is the only thing going on in your life. In order to balance zero sleep and a less than healthy diet, the enterprising student must learn to love coffee, which has one big pitfall: the price.
Coffee is expensive. It averages around $3-5 per cup, which is close to $20 dollars a week assuming you only buy one cup every weekday. Thankfully, the University of Utah campus is here to help you out.
Coffee that you have to pay for can be found all over campus. The obvious places are Starbucks in the Campus store, Mom’s Cafe in the Library, Einsteins in the Union and the Crimson Corner in the Petersen Heritage Center. If you have a meal plan you can sneak coffee out of the Petersen Heritage Cafeteria as well but not everyone is so lucky. There are also coffee shops in the Sutton Building, the Two Creek Coffee house, the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, La Barbra, the Skaggs Research Building, the Coffee Lab, the Art and Architecture Building, Brio and finally the Law Building’s Counsel Cafe.
You must look for the free options. There are many. You could for example, bribe a friend with your eternal love.
If this seems out of reach, you can also go to the Union on Tuesdays. They give out free coffee and hot chocolate every week from 9 a.m. until the survival drinks run out. You can get a cup and pay nothing for it.
Following the U’s events calendar is one of the best ways to find free coffee throughout the week.
Almost every major has a meet and greet at the start of each semester offering coffee and hot chocolate and often some kind of sweet such as donuts or cookies.
The Muse people have free coffee from 10-11 a.m. every Friday at the Sill Center. They even offer free mugs and encourage you to bring friends.
On April 5, you can listen to stories from successful women in STEM over free coffee and treats. The event will take place in the Thatcher Conference Room from 12 to 1 p.m.
On various dates throughout the semester, you can get free coffee at the same time that you speak with art entrepreneurs. These take place from 10-11 a.m. at Lassonde Studios, with the next one scheduled for March 23.
The Greek community also has events for their philanthropy each semester which almost always offer coffee and something else for a small entrance fee such as $3, and it’s for a good cause.
The good news is that the coffee can be found for free if you are willing to do some research and be awake between 10-11 a.m. The bad news is that you might not get more sleep or less homework any time soon. Coffee often comes with cool people however, so it’s a trade-off really. Learn more about upcoming coffee related events at just search coffee!