If you love dogs and everything about those perfect little cuties, you’re going to love this article. If you’re more of a cat person, this one may sting a bit. The truth is that dogs are just better than cats in pretty much every way possible. I could honestly write an encyclopedia length book about how much I love dogs, but don’t worry, I’ll try to keep it brief.
First thing’s first, there are just so many good names for dogs: puppies, doggies, doggos, puppers, pupperinos, woofers, floofs and countless other names. Check out this handy video for more information.
What do people do with cats? I’m not quite sure, aside from the fact that they used to put bread around their faces. They kind of just sit there. They’re not nearly as exciting as the characters Tom and Jerry have led you to believe. Now, what do you do with dogs? Pretty much everything. Want to play fetch? They’re there, and they’re ready to go. They are great companions for outdoor activities, like hiking or camping trips. They love playing in the water, and just watching them do their little doggy-paddle is so adorable and perfect. Dogs are great companions, and they will join you on just about every adventure you go on. And they’ll be excited about it, waving they’re cute little tails all over the place. The best part? When they get hot or tired while exploring or playing, they stick out their cute little tongues.
For whatever reason, villains seem to love cats. An evil villain isn’t complete without a cat. From the old James Bond movies where the evil super-villain Blofeld had a cat, to Cinderella where the evil step-mom has a cat aptly named Lucifer, to — worst of all — Professor Umbridge from “Harry Potter,” who was absolutely obsessed with cats. What more can I say?
Dogs can be helpful in a serious sense, too. There are countless stories out there of canine friends helping scare off home invaders or other scary bad guys. Even dogs that aren’t big and scary will still instinctively bark at intruders, so at the very least you will be alerted to a threat’s presence. Seeing eye dogs are unfathomably useful to the blind. Navigating your way around a city you can’t see, or even an unfamiliar building becomes a lot easier when you have your best friend by your side leading the way.
To the best of my knowledge there are no police cats. There are a lot of police dogs though. Police dogs help police sniff out hidden explosives or drugs, track down escaped criminals or people who have gone missing, and they even help police find dead bodies. These little cuties are providing an extremely helpful public service.
As you can clearly see with this article, dogs are better than cats. You can travel and experience the world with dogs. All you can experience withcats is yarn and dead mice. Dogs provide an invaluable service to society and they deserve all the love and attention for it. Give the next dog you see some love and belly rubs for me.