College Athletics Do Not Need a Mercy Rule
November 21, 2019
Adding in a mercy rule into college athletics would make both watching and playing in these games less appealing. If one team is dominating over another, there is only so much a coaching staff can do to try and lessen what people see in the box score. I know there is a mercy rule in college softball, but there shouldn’t be one in any sport across the board.Â
In football, when any given team is up big against an opponent, the head coaches tend to pull out their starters and give the second- and even third-string players a chance to get some live game experience. If your third-string offense can score against an opposing team’s first- or second-string defense, maybe your team isn’t that good.Â
Teams with more players on the roster have an easier time subbing people in and out to try and balance out the game, but teams like basketball that have less people on the roster have fewer options on how to go about lessening the blow. Teams still tend to give their leading scorer(s) a break, not only to make sure they are healthy going into the next game, but also to avoid people calling them out.Â
Why is it that people get so upset when a team that is supposed to roll to victory does that easily and quickly? I believe that adding a mercy rule would make college sports just as fun as a rec soccer team that makes you stop playing when you have scored 10 goals on your opponent.Â
The thing is, a lot of these kids hope to play these sports at the next level when their college career is over and there is no mercy rule in any professional sport. Why? Because professionals know that anything can happen in any given game and it is their job to make the game as close as they can.Â
Adding a mercy rule to college sports would get rid of a good chance for those who usually don’t start to get game experience while also trying to silence the haters who just don’t like it when you can beat an opponent 54-10 or 143-49 easily with your starters who aren’t even playing the whole game.