The National Parks Shine on ‘Wildflower’

McKenna Chatterley

The National Parks release new album “Wildflower” (Courtesy Bari Lieberman)

By Paige Lee, Arts Writer


As new music is continually released this summer, one notable album at the moment is “Wildflower” by The National Parks. The National Parks are a Provo-based band that have been making music for several years now. As the newest album from the band, “Wildflower” is a blend of several different genres — each song on the album has a unique tone and composition to it.
“We found the sound we wanted to. We didn’t chase any trends and we feel like we’ve really come into our own, I guess, on this record,” said Brady Parks, the band’s lead singer. “In that way, I feel like we’ve blossomed, and we’re ready for people to hear this.”

Favorite Tracks

The band’s passion and love for their work shines through in “Wildflower.” “I think we took our time on this album. I wrote about 40 songs for it and we ended up putting 15 songs on the album,” said Parks. “We really took our time on it and we were really patient. We want to get it right.”

Of all the songs on the album, the ones that stuck out the most are “Horizon,” “Painted Sky” and “Chance.” “Horizon” stuck out to me because the song has a distinct feeling of adventure and excitement, representing jumping into the unknown with enthusiasm.In contrast, “Painted Sky” slows things down a bit. The song seems to speak of returning to quieter roots and taking a break from city life. I enjoy the song, especially as someone who grew up in the desert scene the song paints.

“Chance” is a song that drew me in immediately. It is somehow both energetic and slow, really emphasizing the feeling of those little moments that feel like an eternity. The song feels impossible not to get attached to — with a line like “You’re a gamble and I’m all in,” who doesn’t get a little bit starry-eyed?

Final Verdict

“I think we pretty much have the goal to reach as many people as we can. And we hope that our music can be a light in a world that can seem heavy at certain times,” said Parks. “Our goal as a band is to keep pushing and to keep reaching people and hopefully, some way inspire and uplift people with our music,” said Parks.

The National Parks newest album certainly makes a huge leap towards that goal. “Wildflower” is an album full of authenticity, heart and positivity. There is a wide blend of genres represented within each song, so this music can appeal to anyone. However, the music clearly isn’t trying to. It is because of that genuineness that “Wildflower” is so likable. The same authenticity is also the reason that I believe The National Parks will be a staple in music.

As for touring the album, The National Parks will be doing small campfire concerts with fans in place of larger performances due to the pandemic. More information on The National Parks performances can be found on their website.

“Wildflower” can be streamed on Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play and YouTube.


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