Against the Current Roars Back on the Scene with New EP ‘Fever’

Bandmates Chrissy Costanza, Will Ferri and Dan Gow of Against The Current. (Courtesy ATC Official)

By Heather Graham, Assistant Copy Chief, Arts Writer


After a quiet spell in the “pandemic pause,” Against the Current is roaring back on to the scene with their new EP “Fever.”

Forming in 2011, bandmates Chrissy Costanza, Will Ferri and Dan Gow began cultivating a considerable fan base on YouTube performing cover song collaborations with artists like Alex Goot and Kurt Hugo Schneider.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Costanza has maintained space in the spotlight and continued to grow a fan base by gaming on Twitch. This latest EP is an energetic and masterful addition to Against The Current’s catalog which already includes EPs, dozens of covers and singles and the full-length albums In Our Bones (2016, Fueled By Ramen) and Past Lives (2018, Fueled By Ramen).

Fever EP

The opening track, “That Won’t Save Us,” lives up to the hype the band pushed on social media when they first released it. As the lead single back in October 2020, it’s a great introduction to this seven-song collection. “Weapon,” “Again & Again” and “Jump” maintain the energy of the EP before settling down with “Shatter,” isolating Constanza’s haunting vocals against a soft dreamy melody.

“Again & Again” features American rapper and songwriter Guardin, which is reflective of the countless cross-genre collaborations Costanza has been part of as a solo artist and with her bandmates.

Meanwhile, the penultimate track, “Burn It Down” gives the album a shot of nostalgia to the long-time fans and builds on the familiar sound of past EPs while still managing to feel fresh and new.

The “Fever” EP wraps up with the track “Lullaby,” capitalizing on the creative musical growth the band poured into both of the full-length releases. “Lullaby” creates a vibe that is more pop than pop-punk, but still glitters with all the trills and alt-rock fanfare expected from an Against the Current track.

The Verdict:  5/5

The steady riffs, driving beats and sultry vocals coming from Costanza are reminiscent of the band’s earlier releases with a touch of the pop melody that showcases their growth as musicians and performers.

The arrangement of these tracks is energetic and vibrant and gives you the sense that the band is finding their place in the music scene, holding tight to their roots and growing like wildfire.

“Fever” fits itself nicely into the Against the Current catalog and bodes well for the longevity and relevance the band holds, and it shows that these three artists can build and maintain a fanbase, perform and entertain across multiple spaces and platforms. 

Against the Current has scheduled several shows across the country to promote the EP with further touring soon. Listen to “Fever” by Against the Current on Spotify
