Guest Opinion: Get Involved With College Republicans

(Courtesy College Republicans at the University of Utah)

By Tyler Boyles


College Republicans at the University of Utah is the home for Republican and conservative students on campus. These perspectives are generally underrepresented on college campuses and we are seeking to change that here at the U. We hold social club events, bring guest speakers to campus and encourage students to get involved with local Republican politicians and campaigns. We hope to expose students to political ideas which they might not otherwise hear on campus. Our official status as an auxiliary of the Utah GOP puts us in a position to help students get involved in our state’s politics, work with party leaders and meet with elected officials. There are plenty of opportunities for students to get involved with campaigns to start their career in politics or work towards causes they are passionate about. Students’ interests are often overlooked in the political system because we have low rates of civic engagement. However, the College Republicans hope to reverse this trend and secure the interests of conservative students in our politics.

A robust political debate, which welcomes and shares a variety of perspectives, is important on campus for the academic and civic growth of students. People of all political persuasions should be welcome on university campuses. By recognizing and organizing those different perspectives, we can create a political community that prepares students for the dynamics of real-world politics. 

Thanks to our close relationship with the UTGOP, we provide students with opportunities to get involved with Utah’s political community. We volunteer at events, help out on campaigns and advocate for our priorities to be heard by Utah’s political leaders. Our organization helps to secure the influence of the next generation of political leaders in the GOP and ensures that our voices are heard.

In the first part of the fall semester, we toured Utah’s Capitol building with one of our state Senators, met with survivors of socialist governments who shared their experiences and opinions, held a Q&A with one of our Republican Representatives in the Utah House, heard from leaders of a conservative climate advocacy group and more. 

In the Spring Semester, our club will focus on Utah’s legislative session. We’ll keep members informed about legislation being discussed and ensure that the voices of conservative students are heard by those at the Capitol. As the 2022 Midterm Elections quickly approach, we will continue to work with campaigns and provide opportunities for students. In April we will hold club elections to select new officers. Serving in our leadership is a great way to get introduced to Republican politics in Utah. We are also encouraging more conservative students to run for elected offices in ASUU.

This club is a home for students of all backgrounds and interests. For those who are interested in a career in politics, we are connected with Utah’s political leaders and issues and provide opportunities for engagement. Our speaking events and robust discussions of political issues allow students to engage with Republican and conservative political ideas.

If you would like to get involved with the College Republicans here at the U, you can follow our Instagram, @u_of_u_republicans, to be notified of all our events or email for more information.


— Tyler Boyles, President of the College Republicans at the University of Utah


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