Torres: Corporate Anti-Bias Training is Superficial
September 15, 2022
In the past 20 years, movements like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, as well as fights for rights like same-sex marriage and trans-inclusivity, have stirred people to demand social change. In doing so, they have sparked their own transformations within corporate spheres. With professional occupations making up around 59.8% of the United States workforce, it has become pertinent to make workplaces more inclusive for marginalized groups. Instead of instituting meaningful changes, however, corporations have opted to remain stubborn against such transformations.
Companies superficially incorporate anti-bias training, hiring quotas, human resources memos and advertising campaigns to feign “wokeness” — thereby satiating conscious consumers and mobs of Twitter activists. But when corporations have historically benefitted from the worst forms of oppression, their half-baked attempts at advocacy feel like a slap in the face to marginalized communities. Corporate work culture fails to deconstruct systemic inequalities due to inadequate anti-bias training, faulty standards of professionalism and untrustworthy HR departments.
Drilling Down on Inadequate Anti-Bias Training
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned workplace discrimination in the U.S., at least on paper. Yet, an intentional focus on diversity in corporate America has only recently become an action item in board meeting agendas.
Companies incorporate mandatory diversity and anti-bias training as a standard onboarding procedure only to ensure they don’t fall victim to lawsuits. Every year, companies teach their employees how to give politically correct responses, but research shows that they don’t internalize it. The training employees receive is not enough to transform their implicit biases.
More effective anti-bias trainings exist — like the 12-week program designed by psychologist Patricia Devine — but companies aren’t willing to shell the cost. They would rather maintain their performative practices. Corporations should not claim to be “focused on diversity” just because their employees are forced to click through online modules about how to respect preferred pronouns. Such claims are ultimately lip service when evidence shows no concrete change.
In reality, companies close cases reporting discrimination before ever verifying whether that discrimination has or hasn’t occurred. No Chief Diversity Officer should prioritize statistics for their end-of-year reports over the safety and well-being of their employees. Corporations exemplify the very systems of oppression they claim to be against.
Unpacking Problematic Professionalism
A key component of workplace culture is its standard of professionalism. Each company decides how strictly they want to enforce their standards, usually by defining each item in their employee handbooks. An item they neglect to disclose, though, is how these expectations get weaponized against employees. Specifically, against employees of color.
Dress code standards force a hegemonic standard on how employees should present themselves at work. By disregarding cultural variation in what is considered formal, workplaces reinforce white supremacist ideals one pair of khakis at a time. Only recently has legislation like the CROWN act emerged to protect discrimination against natural hairstyles, although its implementation isn’t widespread. The dialectical standards for professional tone also force Black employees to adopt a “white voice” at work, despite African American Vernacular English being its own independent dialect.
Marginalized communities have spoken out against these discriminatory standards for years. The message is clear — corporate work culture upholds standards of white supremacy by strictly upholding standards of professionalism.
Moving the Needle on Human Resources
In professional workplaces, the human resource department handles any discrimination outlined as a violation of company standards. Yet employees don’t trust their HR departments, and for good reason. Employees don’t feel safe reporting harassment because HR does little to prevent retaliation for reporting. When employees do submit reports and requests, HR departments, such as Amazon‘s, are too backed up to address the issues in a timely manner. As a result, employees are left with no choice but to sue. Amazon just recently handled their own lawsuits for mishandling gender-based and racial discrimination.
HR doesn’t exist for the employee. It exists so that companies don’t get sued. By filling out the right report, a company can skirt legal repercussions for its negligence. No company can uphold its so-called “emphasis on diversity and inclusion” while no one trusts the department responsible for preventing discrimination and inequality in the first place.
Corporate practices not only maintain inequality but actively perpetuate it. Corporations, as a function of late-stage capitalism, will always be unable to fully separate the oppression from the system. However, this doesn’t mean that we should abandon our efforts. Legislation has worked in the past to improve working conditions, and as the times change so do the needs of workers. With the rise of unions and worker’s cooperatives, we can demand the provisions of goods and services that don’t rely on mistreating employees.
Companies need to circle back to their diversity and inclusion initiatives and give 110% to the bottom line — when we value profits over people, employees get discouraged and undervalued. Workplaces must ensure that they abandon the discriminatory practices of their predecessors.
John Hedberg • Sep 15, 2022 at 11:35 am
Gaby, only a racist assumes racism everywhere they look. You smile at someone who’s silently enduring cramps, and she accidentally grimaces back at you in pain, so she must be a systemically racist white supremacist in the depths of her privilege (do you like my use of all these dehumanizing Marxist buzz-words?), instead of seeing another human being who deserves your understanding and compassion, which you demand unequivocally from everyone else with a self-righteous stamp of your foot, but which you seem rather short on providing to all the other human beings in your general vicinity that you’re giving the “stink-eye” to.
Anyway, at some point, I’m sure you’ll confront the fact that your racism is largely to blame for all the darkness you project onto other people, and suddenly, it will become amazing how good other people start to look in your newly humanizing eyes.
OK, having actually worked in the corporate community you claim to describe (but which you clearly know nothing about, outside of whatever Marxist website or app you drew most of your stereotyped and incorrect information from), I’m technically “BIPOC” on my mother’s side, but my Dad’s family came from Sweden, so I don’t look it. The “professional standards” you claim are racist almost got me fired anyway, when I grew a beard on vacation and came back to work without shaving. I was told point-blank that I’d be let go if I didn’t come in clean-shaven by the end of the week, and stay that way. I was also told how long I could grow my hair, what color shirt and pants I had to wear, and how to address & communicate with people in professional language. If these standards are applied equally to everyone (and they are), how is this racist again?
I agree that HR people are some of the most superficial and bigoted in existence, but that’s largely because they think like you do, assuming racism and bigotry everywhere, whether it exists or not. How annoying to get along fine with most everyone around you, just like in public school, and face the implicit (and sometimes explicit) hatred of someone whose bigotry only sees you as part of a group they presume is hateful, and so we all get treated hatefully by the person who can’t stop telling us that hatred is wrong, which we learned in 1st grade together, and which no one disputes. How enlightening! How progressive! How equitable, to say everyone else’s hatred is wrong while constantly throwing false accusations at everyone else for a hatred you (the HR person) actually practice yourself.
Doesn’t it get boring? Constantly looking at everyone around you in search of their secret faults and errors, when you’re the one making the biggest errors of all? 😋
“Love one another” actually works, but it takes practice, starting with looking at people around you as human beings who are as worthwhile and fallible, as full of potential and daily suffering, as you are! Until you choose to see everyone else as equal human beings, you’ll never stop seeing the hatred, because you’re projecting it onto the people in front of you, like they’re your personal dehumanized canvas, devoid of any of who they actually are as individual people.
Anyway, unions and cooperatives have been around for 150 years, and so has your Marxism. It’s nothing new! You just aren’t aware that it’s caused needless persecution, violence, mass starvation, economic & social collapse, and frequently genocide, everywhere Marxists have actually gotten power, throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, on almost every continent. Inciting divisive hatred between groups, while claiming compassion that never shows itself in practice, is the hallmark of Marxist dogma, equating their hatred with compassion “for someone”, while everyone goes hungry, family & friends wind up in concentration camps, and anyone who dissents or shows a diverse opinion is labeled an enemy of the state, dangerous, extremist, a terrorist who must be put down for the good of everyone (meaning diverse opinions threaten the Marxist hypocrisy, which is utterly devoid of real compassion for anyone but the Marxist haters). Just look at the Uighurs and Falun Gong folks in China, where grandma and your best friend are put into forced labor, raped, tortured, and have their organs involuntarily harvested, all for the sake of “equity” and a low social score in the eyes of the government’s HR department!
Again, as someone who’s worked in the corporate world in several positions, I haven’t seen much racism (or any other -isms) which you and HR assume with so little (no) evidence. There are racist people, but they’re abnormal, and most people who don’t find their endless false accusations offensive actually feel sorry for them. They live in a world devoid of any genuine human Love, and it was a choice they made, ignorantly. You kind of have to feel sorry for people caught in a trap of their own making, unable to get out, because even they suffer from the hatreds they can’t stop projecting onto everyone around them. That’s worth pity, plus constant feedback in the hope that they finally see the error history shows the rest of us so clearly, and choose a full life of Love!
In that Love,
Best Regards,
J Hedberg