On Jan. 24, the “Cheers, Queers” panel created a space of authentic representation at the Sundance Film Festival.
The panel’s second year at the festival was hosted by GLAAD, Newfest and Frameline. The topic of discussion was not only the importance but the need for transgender and queer possibilities. Panelists included Zackary Drucker (“Enigma”), Aud Mason-Hyde (“Jimpa”), Moi Santos (Sundance Institute), Sav Rodgers (Transgender Film Center) and others.
Call to Action
The presidential inauguration took place only a few days ago and Utah has just begun its legislative sessions. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts are under attack — and have been for quite some time now. Because of this crucial fact, the panel’s mission demands more accountability within the community and from allies on the outside. The LGBTQ+ community — and other marginalized communities — have a duty to be truth-tellers. Each panelist had their own story to tell and shared that through their films. They emphasized that this is only the beginning and they will continue to share.
A queer space is a space that invites hope, joy and dreams in these uncertain times.
“This is the magic of life,” moderator and GLAAD representative Alex Schmider said. None of us do this work alone and that work is to create safer and more equitable opportunities so that stories and voices can be heard.
Shared Queer Legacy
We are one generation of many generations of change. This is not the first time we’ve had to talk about this. Drucker said that the community needs to have a dedication to the history of the community and to storytelling. It’s the storytelling that reaches the unreachable, the audiences hidden out of sight. Mason-Hyde agreed and said that we can exist and we can, and should, save the world. None of us do this work alone and it is through seeking our communities that we can persevere.
“For every person that doesn’t see your validity, there are seven to eight who are moved by it,” a panelist said.
The discussion focused on intergenerational bonding and how past generations built what we have now. We need to do the same for not only our own generation but also incoming generations. This fight isn’t just about the next four years; it’s about the rest of our lives. The films these filmmakers and activists created, which are screening at Sundance right now, are so timely. They said, “No matter what the landscape is, the time is right now.”
Continue to be Tender
“Human kindness is the last thing that survives,” Mason-Hyde said. At the end of trial and strife, sincere commitment pushes us to our next step. There is power when we come together and fight for our fellow humans.
The future of film is community. “Who organizes better than queer people?” Schmider said.