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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

AIDS Virus Studied By U Researchers

October 7, 2001

The virus that causes AIDS commandeers a white blood cell?s own inner machinery?producing more virus particles to invade new cells thus spreading the disease.But researchers at the University of Utah and...

Anthrax Poisoning May Be Terrorists

October 7, 2001

BOCA RATON, Fla.?The FBI is investigating the possibility that the anthrax bacteria detected in two Florida men is a result of terrorism or criminal action, The Associated Press has learned. The bacteria...

Italy Plane Slams Into Taxied Plane

October 7, 2001

MILAN, Italy?An SAS airliner slammed into a private jet during takeoff, then swerved into an airport building and burst into flames, killing all 114 people on both planes Monday, officials said.The Interior...

Researchers Find Key Component of AIDS Virus

October 3, 2001

The virus that causes AIDS commandeers a white blood cell?s own inner machinery?producing more virus particles to invade new cells, spreading the disease.But researchers at the University of Utah and Myriad...


By , , and October 2, 2001

October 3The College Republicans are hosting a kick-off event at 12:30 p.m. in the Hinckley Caucus Room, Orson Spencer Hall 255. Refreshments will be served.The Middle East Center is hosting Thomas Friedman,...

New York Times Columnist Holds Lecture Today

By , , and October 2, 2001

Thomas Friedman, a Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist, will speak on globalization and the current state of the Middle East during a speech today at 3:30 p.m. in Kingsbury Hall.His speech,...

Traffic Lab Peers Through UDOT’s Eyes

By , , and October 2, 2001

A screen on the wall of the University of Utah?s Traffic Lab showed the cars below slipping past on I-15.At 11 a.m., traffic is light, and cars are generously spaced. But about 4:30 p.m. on a Friday, they...

The Unintended Side Effects of Multiculturalism

By , , and October 2, 2001

A letter to the editor in the September issue of The Century, a publication produced by the University of Utah Latter-day Saints Student Association, made this bold declaration: "Diversity is what makes...

Opinion Cartoon

By , , and October 2, 2001

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Letter to the Editor

By Mindy Layton, Sophomore, GermanDear Editor:I am quite dismayed that organizers would knowingly leave 1,500 students at Friday night?s Homecoming dance, after hours of dancing, to thirst for water. The...