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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Opinion Cartoon

By , , , and September 17, 2001

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Quote of the Day

By , , , and September 17, 2001

I wonder if we can rid ourselves of this ache and find once again some hope for this mess we call the human condition."#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Bush’s ‘Good and Evil’ Rhetoric Warrents Closer Look

By , , , and September 17, 2001

On my book bag I have a button that reads: "Anyone who claims God is on their side is dangerous as hell." The terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, as well as the four...

Be Wary of War Against a ‘Scapegoat’

By Erika Johnson#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Quote of the Day

By , , , and September 16, 2001

"It is a disease, and it always catches up with you, and that is the sacrifice you make for becoming a great player."#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Terrorist Machinery Must Be Uprooted

By Rajiv Pandit#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Bush Promises Crusade Against All ‘Evil-Doers’

By , , , and September 16, 2001

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Candlelight Vigil Brought Strangers Together

By Barbara GrayEditor?s Note: This was a letter written by a U student to her mother on Friday, Sept. 14.Dear Mom- I had an amazing experience last night. The U was holding a candlelight vigil at the Park...

As Long as There Are Fanatics We Will never Be Completely Safe

By James Seaman#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Bigotry Is Not Welcome in Salt Lake

By Carenlee Barkdull#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }