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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Military Claims Trial Jurisdiction

By The Associated Press#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

OPINION: Time Has Come to Emancipate Science From Lab

By , , , and August 22, 2001

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Utahns Win in 2002 Olympic Pork Barrel Competition

By , , , and August 21, 2001

Utah Republican Sen. Robert Bennett is a regular Picabo Street in the Senate?s cash collecting race. In the last three years, Bennett has amassed two high profile (or at least highly embarrassing) awards:...

Opinion Cartoon

By , , , and August 21, 2001

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Letter to the Editor

By Paul RobertsEditor:I believe the University of Utah is overcharging people who require disabled parking permits. I have a spinal cord injury and drive a vehicle specially adapted to my needs. I use...

MWC Football Preview: Wyoming

By , , , and August 21, 2001

The good news: Wyoming will beat Furman opening day, matching their win total for the 2000 season. The bad news: The Cowboys have to play the remainder of their schedule.Following a 1-10, winless conference...

Summer in Review: U Program Encourages Women to Enter Science

By , , , and August 4, 2001

In sixth grade, Amanda Whitehead wanted to become a botanist.Her goals have changed several times since then, but one common thread held them all: She wanted to study science.Now in her second year at...

Opinion Cartoon

By , , , and August 3, 2001

Bernie and the 2002 Olympic Winter Games#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

By-the-Book: Summer Film Season Holds Few Surprises

By , , , and August 3, 2001

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Battle of the Buck: Buying Textbooks Online is Still Cheapest Bet

By , , , and August 3, 2001

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