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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Government Should Fund Defenses Against Ransomware

Government Should Fund Defenses Against Ransomware

February 1, 2017

When Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, he pledged to modernize the health care system, with significant investments to digitize patient records. Following the Great Recession, the Obama administration...

Inauguration Day and Women's March Coverage

Inauguration Day and Women’s March Coverage

January 25, 2017

Inauguration Rarely do I find myself reveling in the opportunity to wake up at 4:00 a.m.. Especially when the weather outside is gloomy and Washington D.C.’s streets are already bustling with thousands...

Run Hillary…Run?

Run Hillary…Run?

January 24, 2017

While preparations begun in Washington D.C. for this year’s inauguration, the national spotlight was still shining on Hillary Clinton. Following her stunning loss to now-President Donald Trump, Clinton...

Myanmar’s Genocide

January 13, 2017

Although numerous regions around the globe reside in turmoil, few match the violence found in Myanmar — a southeastern Asian nation — which is responsible for persecuting thousands of Muslim Rohingyas....

Experiences of a Freshman

Experiences of a Freshman

December 23, 2016

When I began this semester, I didn’t envision that my first few months of freshman year would be so transformative. While I had long awaited college, being rapidly introduced to adulthood was a staggering...

The Grand Recount

December 23, 2016

Although election day in the U.S. has come and gone, uncertainty over the election’s results is beginning to mount. Following Donald Trump’s surprising victory, experts from the National Voting Rights...

Photo courtesy of Michael Vadon on Flickr

Trump’s 100 Day Plan

December 1, 2016

Similar to publicly releasing tax returns, announcing a plan for the first 100 days in office has become a customary practice for newly-elected presidents. In a brief video published on Monday, Donald...

A Writer's Apology

A Writer’s Apology

December 1, 2016

A few weeks removed from the 2016 election, here is what's obvious: first, Hillary Clinton lost the election, which left the glass ceiling painfully intact. Furthermore, the Republican party was not dismantled...

H2H: Efficacy of the Electoral College?

December 1, 2016

Keep the College, Needs Alteration Nicholas Coleman, Kyle Ruscigno Although commonly forgotten, election days rarely represent the total amount of ballots cast; rather, with the advent of early voting,...

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Trump’s Economic Plan

November 30, 2016

As Donald Trump begins the arduous process of establishing an administration, further details are beginning to emerge regarding his economic vision. Throughout his campaign, the president-elect ran on...