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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Coaches have made right calls

By By Liz Frome October 28, 2009

There's been some debate among Ute fans this season as to whether Utah is calling plays that are beneficial to its personnel. During a few games, I've even found myself wondering the same thing. But then, as quickly as the next play is over, I've forgotten all about it.

Student websites a hit for ASUU, campus groups

By By Chris Mumford October 28, 2009

Since they launched Tuesday, the new student group websites are already drawing high praise.

U researchers get $28M in grants

By By Deborah Rafferty October 28, 2009

U scientists received 95 research grants, totaling $28 million in federal economic stimulus grant money to fund research projects ranging from developing a diagnostic test for colon cancer to understanding the genetics of the human metabolism.

Wellness Fair turnout low for H1N1 vaccine

By By , Staff Writer October 28, 2009

Just in time for Halloween, the theme for this year's Wellness Fair was Sickness Killer Wellness Thriller.

Library a great asset to the U

By By John Stafford October 28, 2009

Monday's rededication of the Marriott Library had one underlying theme: Knowledge is power, and libraries are the flagship of this knowledge.

Men?s soccer dominates in grueling 3-game weekend series

By By Corbin Godfrey October 28, 2009

After last week's controversy with a referee, the men's soccer team had no time to dwell on the past. Oct. 22, the team began grueling but successful games in a three-day stretch that began in Salt Lake City and then went to Idaho and finally to Logan to take on the Aggies.

Going green noble but full of misconceptions

By By Drew Conrad October 28, 2009

T he newest School of Business Building, the California budget crisis, and "green" methods of transportation are three players on the sustainability scene. All three appear to be unrelated, but a closer look reveals that common threads run through them.

Ain?t nothin? gonna break her stride

By By Matt Sanchez October 28, 2009

When you first sit down with Erin Dalley, you'll know two things for sure8212;based on the amount of ice she has packed on her body, she really does take practice seriously, and when she opens her mouth, it's clear that she's not your stereotypical jock.

Donating opportunites abound for Halloween

By By Brandon Beifuss October 28, 2009

Even during the consumption-based confectioner's holiday of Halloween, there are opportunities to enrich the community around the U with simple donations.

Give campus initiative a chance

By By Chase Clyde October 28, 2009

Last year, the Associated Students of the University of Utah, the U Board of Trustees and the Utah State Board of Regents overwhelmingly approved a fee increase of $2.50 to fund the Sustainable Campus Initiative.