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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Top Ten Christmas Albums

Top Ten Christmas Albums

By Justin Adams December 21, 2015

Working on a Spotify Christmas music playlist? Here are 10 essential Christmas albums from a variety of eras and genres to get you started. 10. A Family Christmas - The Piano Guys Starting...

Review: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Is Great But Doesn't Live up to the Hype

Review: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Is Great But Doesn’t Live up to the Hype

December 18, 2015

WARNING: This review contains minor spoilers. I tried to avoid "The Force Awakens" hype as much as I could, which meant the only things I knew about it came from the trailers and the special from "60...

Vanishing Breakfast Rolls: A Quick Mix to Get Your Sugar Fix During Finals Week

Vanishing Breakfast Rolls: A Quick Mix to Get Your Sugar Fix During Finals Week

December 15, 2015

As we enter into the homestretch of finals week, the Internet is flooded with tips on how to cook and eat healthy during exams. But if you’re anything like me and are currently struggling through a...

Pop Culture Round-Up: Disney Makes the Wrong Move, and the World Welcomes Saint West

Pop Culture Round-Up: Disney Makes the Wrong Move, and the World Welcomes Saint West

December 11, 2015

Here’s your Daily Utah Chronicle pop culture round-up: for everything you missed this week in pop culture because you were too busy doing things that actually matter, like homework. Disney is releasing...

The Five Weirdest, Darkest and Most Annoying Christmas Songs of All Time

The Five Weirdest, Darkest and Most Annoying Christmas Songs of All Time

December 10, 2015

Most wonderful time of the year? It can be, but there’s one thing that often brings the holiday down: bad Christmas music. Sure, there are plenty of classic Christmas songs that no one can resist singing...

Make Your Way to Higher Ground

Make Your Way to Higher Ground

December 10, 2015

If you’re looking for a great spot to study, hang out with friends or find your new favorite roast, Higher Ground Coffee is the place to be. I stumbled upon the comforting location on a snowy night last...

Hub and Spoke Finds the Balance Between Hip and Affordable

Hub and Spoke Finds the Balance Between Hip and Affordable

December 10, 2015

Nestled on the foodie-friendly northeast corner of 1300 South and 1100 East in Sugarhouse, the Hub & Spoke Diner shares an intersection with Japanese standby joint Kyoto and the all-natural grocery...

The Seven Best Movies to Put You in the Holiday Spirit

The Seven Best Movies to Put You in the Holiday Spirit

December 9, 2015

The holidays can be stressful. This season, try to relax with a holiday movie and friends. Here’s a list of seven of the best holiday films.   “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) Frustrated...

PTC Gives Audiences a Dose of Holiday Cheer with "It Happened One Christmas"

PTC Gives Audiences a Dose of Holiday Cheer with “It Happened One Christmas”

By Aaron Clark December 8, 2015

Amid the stress that comes with the holiday season, Pioneer Theatre Company has found a way to remind us why this is the most wonderful time of the year with the holiday musical “It Happened One Christmas,”...

Getting to Know Secret Student Society Skull and Bones

Getting to Know Secret Student Society Skull and Bones

By Casey Koldewyn December 7, 2015

When you look at images of the Skull and Bones society, you might find the group off-putting, somewhat unsettling, perhaps even terrifying. However, when I met with them, they were careful to do what they...