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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


(Courtesy of Dale Brophy)

U’s Police Chief Speaks On New Victim-Survivor Advocate and Campus Safety

By Amy Loret April 16, 2019

  The Daily Utah Chronicle sat down with University of Utah's Director of Public Safety, Chief of Police Dale Brophy to discuss the new Victim-Survivor Advocate and campus safety in general at...

Vice President of Student Relations Xandra Pryor, President Connor Morgan and Vice President of University Relations Maggie Gardner took office on April 25, 2018.

(Courtesy of ASUU)

Vice President of Student Relations Censured by the Student Senate at the U

By Mandi Johansen April 15, 2019

  Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Vice President of Student Relations Xandra Pryor has been censured by the U's Student Senate and has been called on to resign by members of...

University researchers from the Utah Smart Energy Laboratory working to protect the power grid against outages. Courtesy Masood Parvania.

U Receives Funding for Power Grid Research

By Mandi Johansen April 14, 2019

  Masood Parvania, an electrical and computer engineering assistant professor at the U and director of the Utah Smart Energy Laboratory, and his team were chosen to receive funding from the U.S....

Jeong-Hyun Kim, Won-Ji Kim, and Hae-Jin park are sitting on the chair with U.

U’s Asia Campus Review: Kim’s Presidency

By Mitch Shin, News Writer April 13, 2019

  With an upcoming election in May 2019 to select a new student government at the University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC), here's a look at what their current student government has accomplished over...

Puneet Singh and activist Takiyah Thompson at ASUU Diversity Board event, “United Against White Supremacy" on April 5, 2019 (Photo by Miacel Spotted Elk | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Activist Talks About White Supremacy, Capitalism and Change on Campus

By Miacel Spotted Elk, News Writer April 11, 2019

  On Friday April 5, ASUU’s Diversity Board held a public event called “United Against White Supremacy” at the Gould Auditorium in the Marriott Library. The Q&A format event, featuring...

HIP Talks winners pose in the Hinckley Forum room from left to right: runners-up Avery Druton, Miranda Stewart, Zac Ray, audience favorite Isha Shadale, runner-up Bryce Wilson, and grand-prize winner Rachel Carlson. (Courtesy of the Hinckley Institute)

Students Speak About Their Passions in this Year’s HIP Talks

By Mandi Johansen April 10, 2019

  This year’s HIP Talks final round at the University of Utah's Hinckley Institute of Politics brought a large turnout of people in support of the speakers. The event was sponsored by the Hinckley...

Travis James Ciaramella, an Academic Advising Coordinator in the Department of Communication at U. (Courtesy of Jeong-Hyun Kim)

Academic Advising Coordinator from the U’s Department of Communication Visits Asia Campus

By Mitch Shin, News Writer April 10, 2019

  Travis James Ciaramella, an academic advising coordinator from the Department of Communication at the University of Utah's Salt Lake City campus, visited the University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC)...

Elizabeth Kronk Warner, the next dean of the S.J. Quinney Law College of Law (Courtesy of Melinda Rogers)

Elizabeth Warner Named as New Dean of S.J. Quinney College of Law

By Amy Loret and Katelyn Collett April 3, 2019

  Elizabeth Kronk Warner will be the next dean of the University of Utah's S.J. Quinney College of Law. Warner will be the first ever female dean in the law school's 106-year history. Warner...

"Grief, Faith and Gay: Coping With Loss When Faith and Sexuality Collide" workshop on March 27, 2019 (Photo by Amy Loret | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Grief, Faith and Gay: Coping With Loss When Faith and Sexuality Collide

By Amy Loret April 2, 2019

  When faith and sexuality collide, stories involving personal feelings of grief and loss experienced by those in Utah and the University of Utah's LGBTQ+ community are common. "Grief, Faith, and...

Panelists speak to students about global careers in the Carolyn Tanner Irish Building on March 27 ( (Photo by Mandilyn Johansen | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

U Hosts Career Panel for Students Interested in Going Global

By Mandi Johansen March 31, 2019

  The International and Area Studies Department at the University of Utah hosted its Going Global Career Panel on March 27. Several distinguished guests were invited, including U alumni, to speak...