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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Inside of the University of Utah's Marriott Library

Library Keeping Patrons Cool and Saving Energy

By Mackenzie McDermott July 3, 2018

The University of Utah’s Marriott Library cuts back on its energy usage by 28 percent every year with a new automation system. Years in the works, the project started out aiming to provide better...

The Utes took on UCLA at home Sat. Feb. 22. The MUSS put up the U during a Ute free throw. 

(Photo by Justin Prather / Daily Utah Chronicle)

U Ranked 83rd in the World, 48th in the Nation

By Mackenzie McDermott June 26, 2018

Each year, the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) names top universities across the globe and publishes a list of the top thousand out of 18,000 universities. For the seventh year in a row, the...

Cigarette butts around the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, UT on Tuesday May 08, 2018.

(Photo by Curtis Lin/ Daily Utah Chronicle)

University of Utah Campus Goes Tobacco Free

By Mackenzie McDermott June 7, 2018

Following a formal review by an ad hoc committee of the University of Utah’s Academic Senate, the U campus is officially going tobacco free. Starting July 1, 2018, no tobacco delivery system of any kind...

Librarian Dale Larsen working showing how to do research online at the J. Willard Marriott Library in Salt Lake City, UT on Wednesday May 23, 2018.

(Photo by Curtis Lin | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

A New Opportunity Every Week with URES

By Mackenzie McDermott June 4, 2018

The Office of Undergraduate Research is keeping busy this summer with a series of events created specifically for undergraduate students. The Undergraduate Research Education Series (URES) is hosted in...

Students, staff, and friends of ChenWei Guo came to show their support after the recent shooting tragedy in Red Butte Canyon by lighting candles and walking from the Marriott Library to President's circle for a candle light vigil to share their condolences on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017

(Photo by Kiffer Creveling | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

U Students Come to Terms With Guns’ Place on Campus Half a Year After Shooting Death

By Emily Anderson June 1, 2018

Each year since the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School, the United States has been inflicted with a rash of school shootings — resulting in the loss hundreds of students’ lives. A recent school...

(Photo by: Justin Prather / The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Save Hundreds with the UCard

By Jacqueline Mumford, Managing Editor May 23, 2018

When a student begins school at the University of Utah, they receive a university student ID or UCard. This ID stores students’ meal plans, allows them access to many of the key-card dorms and is used...

Daniel Reed testifies before Congress.

Meet the New Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Daniel Reed

By Mackenzie McDermott May 16, 2018

The search for the University of Utah’s new Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs is over. Daniel Reed will say goodbye to the University of Iowa and hello to the Utes as he starts his position on July...

Courtesy University of Utah

Ben Nemtin Brings Life to Commencement

By Christina Giardinelli May 1, 2018

With this year’s commencement ceremony quickly approaching, posters bearing the question “What’s on your bucket list?” have been placed across the University of Utah’s campus. The idea behind...

Photos Courtesy University of Utah

Announcing the U’s Honorary Degree Recipients

By Cara MacDonald April 30, 2018

The University of Utah Board of Trustees announced in March that Barbara Tanner and Raymond Uno will receive honorary doctorate degrees, the highest honor given by the university. They will receive the...

Women's Resource Center Distributes Free Clothes

Women’s Resource Center Distributes Free Clothes

By Grace Mason April 28, 2018

Outside the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at the University of Utah on April 18, over 1,400 items of clothing were placed on racks, tables and hangers ready to be claimed — for free. The clothes were...