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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


U library collection highlights banned literature

September 25, 2013

The history of banned books is nearly as old as the history of written language, said Alison Conner, a rare books curator in Special Collections at the Marriott Library.. Many books that were once banned...

Visiting reporter speaks on eugenics and history

September 24, 2013

The American eugenics movement caused the forced sterilization of 1,000 people per year and influenced the Nazi party, said visiting scholar Edwin Black. Black, an investigative reporter, spoke at the...

ASUU and Hinckley sponsor council to educate on evolving health care system

September 24, 2013

ASUU’S Student Advocacy Board joined up with the Hinckley Institute of Politics to sponsor a forum to help students understand and navigate the post-Affordable Care Act world of health insurance. Jason...

Career fair helps students start networking

September 24, 2013

Students discovered internship opportunities and employment options in science and engineering at a career fair held Tuesday in the Union Ballroom. Michael Call, a student in computer science, came to...

Assembly passes summit legislation

September 24, 2013

The ASUU Assembly passed a joint bill last night allocating $12,000 to host the first-ever Pac-12 Leadership Summit. This bill will bring in students from the other Pac-12 universities to “share ideas,”...

UPC hosts belly dancing clinic

September 24, 2013

Students rolled their hips and learned how to gyrate properly at a belly dancing clinic Tuesday. UPC hosted its first belly dancing class in the Union Saltair Room Tuesday evening. “We started brainstorming...

U starts new program for missionaries

September 23, 2013

The U will be launching a new program to help students returning from serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints succeed at the U. U president David Pershing made the announcement...

U leads in creating more efficient lightbulb

September 23, 2013

The first light bulb was invented over 100 years ago and inventors and scientists from all over the world have been trying to improve its efficiency and effectiveness ever since. The U has joined the...

Inaugural slam draws newcomers

September 23, 2013

Poetry is not always read in quiet contemplation in a forest — sometimes it is shouted into a microphone in the Union Den. Eight poets slammed to snaps, claps and other audience encouragement at a poetry...

Forum promotes student start-ups

September 23, 2013

The U has a student club that judges, critiques and teaches students how to create their own start-up businesses. Foundry Utah is a student business review forum that is designed to accelerate business...