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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Five O’ Clock Shadow Tuesday (02/26/2013)

February 26, 2013

With Connor Wallace and Simon Curly

Five O’ Clock Shadow Monday (02/25/2013)

February 26, 2013

With Connor Wallace

Five O’ Clock Shadow Thursday (02/21/2013)

February 21, 2013

With Connor Wallace and Simon Curly

Women?s Week combats inequalities

By By Laura Schmitz March 2, 2011

Discrimination in the workplace was the focus of this year's Women's Week keynote address Tuesday.

The 2011 theme is "Ain't Misbehaving: Women Making History, Fighting for Equality" and coincides with Women's History Month. The weeklong celebration aims to highlight the progress of women and address the need for improvement.

Money still a concern as construction continues

By By Katie Harrington January 13, 2010

Fundraising is far from over for the new David Eccles School of Business' new building that began construction last April, even with a contribution of $4.34 million from James Lee Sorenson and his family's foundation.

Database, funding keep U genetics in high standing

By By Deborah Rafferty January 13, 2010

Throughout its history, the U School of Medicine has grown to be one of the top research institutions in the nation, thanks in part to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Drug-resistant virus cleared from hospital

By By Deborah Rafferty January 13, 2010

University Hospital is now safe from a powerful virus that kept hospital employees on their toes for the past few months.

Huntsman to speak at commencement

By By Michael McFall January 13, 2010

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. will return from his new duties as the U.S. ambassador to China to bid farewell to the class of 2010.

Architecture building looks to go ?net-zero?

By By Jake Hibbard January 13, 2010

By 2015, the U hopes to create the most sustainable college building in the United States by wrapping it in a gigantic blanket of sorts.

Students join with PETA for petition

By By Jamie Bowen and December 8, 2009

In light of recent findings from the undercover investigation by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals at the U's research labs, students are continuing to make an outcry.