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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


"When there is a need for teachers to pay for their own supplies, it is a symptom of the large-scale underfunding of schools," writes Nain Christopherson. (Courtesy Keesler Air Force Base)

Christopherson: Teacher Tax Credits Can’t Make Up For Underfunded Schools

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor March 1, 2020

  It’s common knowledge that many teachers spend their own money on school supplies for their classrooms. One study during the 2014-2015 school year found that U.S. teachers spend an average...

"We will never support teachers the way they deserve unless we recognize teaching for the high-skilled, demanding profession that it is — and then fund it." (Courtesy Flickr)

Burton: Teachers Can’t Succeed In Their Classrooms On Bonuses Alone

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer February 28, 2020

  Teaching is known to be a difficult profession. Despite the fact that many regard teaching to be a noble job, teachers often do not feel valued for the work they do. Unfortunately, this has caused...

(Courtesy Flickr)

Emery: Teachers Should Not Need to Pay for Their Own Supplies

By Nate Emery February 25, 2020

On average, teachers in the United States are paid about 20% less than individuals in other similarly educated professions. On top of this fact, teachers work many long, uncompensated hours far beyond...

The Chronicle's Opinion Desk has endorsed Rebecca Hardenbrook's ticket for ASUU President. Her running mates are Devon Cantwell and Carlos Craig. (Courtesy Rebecca Hardenbrook)

Opinion Desk: The Hardenbrook Ticket Will Unite the U

By The Opinion Desk February 23, 2020

  Winning an election and leading ASUU should never serve as just another line on a resume. The student body president carries a huge responsibility, and it is critical that the upcoming presidency...

(Courtesy Pexels)

Christopherson: Utah High Schools Need Later Start Times

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor February 20, 2020

  Since starting college, I’ve gotten two to three more hours of sleep a night than I ever did in high school – and it’s not because I’m slacking off. Admittedly, high schoolers face enormous...

"Instead of rolling back requirements, the Utah Legislature should expand and improve its civics courses to invest in a more educated and engaged generation of future voters." (Illustration by Alex Garcia | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Burton: Utah Needs to Reemphasize Civics Education

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer February 18, 2020

  Civics courses are a mainstay in many American high schools. These classes educate students on many topics including government, media, elections and political participation. These courses seek...

(Courtesy Flickr)

Christopherson: Diverse Classrooms Need Diverse Teachers. Increased Bonuses Are A Great Start.

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor February 14, 2020

  The 2020 Utah State Legislative session is well underway, with several bills proposing changes to education. One such bill, HB 107, would expand upon a previous law by increasing the bonus amount...

West High School in Salt Lake City. In the minority-majority Salt Lake City School District, there are concerns about later start times. (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Emery: Delayed Starts Prioritize the Needs of Some Students Over Others

By Nate Emery February 13, 2020

  This Utah State Legislative Session, State Representative Suzanne Harrison has introduced a bill that encourages school districts and charter schools to consider delaying high school start times....

(Courtesy of Flickr)

Poma: Undocumented Students Are Just as Worthy of the Resources Given to Citizens

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor February 9, 2020

  Undocumented students in the U.S. are unable to apply for federal aid and thus face the difficult challenge of finding alternative means to pay for higher education. While the University of...

(Photo by Justin Prather | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Barron: More Needs to Be Done to Make the SafeRide Program Functional

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer February 7, 2020

  On Wednesday evenings, my last class finishes at 10 p.m. Typically, I walk the fifteen minutes home clutching my panic alarm while running the Companion app on my phone. I used the University...