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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


The "It's on US" shirt at the booth inside the Marriott Library at the U on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2016. (Rishi Deka, Daily Utah Chronicle)

Change Starts By Believing

October 20, 2016

On Oct. 24, the U launched its 2016 It’s On Us campaign aimed at preventing sexual assault on campus. Sponsored by ASUU, the campaign is an effort to encourage students to gain a better understanding...

International students at the U | Chronicle archives.

College Social Critique: People Are Great

October 16, 2016

I've been a college student for over a month now and I can already feel the struggle. Even though it's hard to keep track of my life, there are incontestably amazing things about college. First of all,...

Junior quarterback Troy Williams (3) participates in spring practice at the Eccles Football Center, Thursday, March, 24, 2016. (Chris Samuels, Daily Utah Chronicle)

First a Student, Then an Athlete

September 16, 2016

Troy Williams is the U's new starting quarterback. The Salt Lake Tribune recently published a piece on him, praising the exceptional athleticism, work ethic and leadership skills he’s brought to the...

Expressions not Enough, Second Language Should be Mandatory

Expressions not Enough, Second Language Should be Mandatory

By Alisa Patience September 10, 2016

Wouldn’t it be great if we as a country could communicate clearly? Wouldn’t it be nice if foreign travelers felt comfortable touring America because the locals could all speak their language? Wouldn’t...

What I Wish I Had Known When I Started College at the U

What I Wish I Had Known When I Started College at the U

June 14, 2016

I wish I had known that I knew absolutely nothing. I wish I had known that I would switch—and contemplate switching—majors for the entirety of my first two years at the U, and that my emphasis would...

Words of advice to incoming students

June 14, 2016

My oh-so wise and backed-by-experienced words of advice to the incoming class of Utes who are now officially “on their own": Schedule early morning classes, but never go. Ever. Life is so much better...

Take your own advice for a great college experience

June 14, 2016

Three short years have passed and here I am, a Senior, contemplating what I’m supposed to have learned in college. Let me tell you: I’ve learned a lot about not very much, and very little about a lot. The...

Finance a Future: Universities Need to Educate Students about Loan Debt

Finance a Future: Universities Need to Educate Students about Loan Debt

March 28, 2016

One of the unfortunate realities of the modern education system is the fact that post-graduation is not solely a time for celebration. While it is stressful enough to deal with the issue of a continuously...

Tech Integration Is The Future Of Public Education

Tech Integration Is The Future Of Public Education

March 7, 2016

From the influence of Arne Duncan to that of Mark Zuckerberg, the future of the United States' education system seems to be at the cusp of something huge. Duncan, the U.S. Secretary of Education who resigned...