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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


"When there is a need for teachers to pay for their own supplies, it is a symptom of the large-scale underfunding of schools," writes Nain Christopherson. (Courtesy Keesler Air Force Base)

Christopherson: Teacher Tax Credits Can’t Make Up For Underfunded Schools

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor March 1, 2020

  It’s common knowledge that many teachers spend their own money on school supplies for their classrooms. One study during the 2014-2015 school year found that U.S. teachers spend an average...

The business end of a Glock 19. Opinion writer KC Ellen Cushman says, "If any other cause of death posed as great a threat to public health as gun violence, the Utah legislature would be passing legislation to mitigate the risk." (Photo by: Justin Prather | The Utah Chronicle).

Cushman: Elected Officials Should Prioritize Public Safety Over Partisan Agendas

By KC Ellen Cushman, Opinion Writer February 29, 2020

  The short length of Utah’s legislative session can make it hard to keep up with all the legislation being passed, but one bill that should not be ignored or lost in the fray of these final...

Utah has been specifically identified as one of the states with the highest number of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Courtesy Flickr)

Barron: Incomplete Data Costs Indigenous Lives. One Utah Legislator Has a Plan to Fill in the Gaps.

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer February 29, 2020

  In 2008, the Department of Justice released sickening statistics regarding violence toward Native American women. They found that Native Americans disappear at twice the rate per capita compared...

"We will never support teachers the way they deserve unless we recognize teaching for the high-skilled, demanding profession that it is — and then fund it." (Courtesy Flickr)

Burton: Teachers Can’t Succeed In Their Classrooms On Bonuses Alone

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer February 28, 2020

  Teaching is known to be a difficult profession. Despite the fact that many regard teaching to be a noble job, teachers often do not feel valued for the work they do. Unfortunately, this has caused...

"It is because Utah is such a beautiful and wonderful place that we need a flag to match." (Photo by Marifel Jimenez | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Reese: Utah Deserves a State Flag That Reflect Its Beauty

By Isaac Reese, Opinion Writer February 28, 2020

  Utah is a unique state, often recognized for being the land of Mormons, green Jell-O, great skiing, fry sauce and national parks. Our state is a weird place and holds an odd spot in American...

Starr: Asylum for Your Assault Rifle?

Starr: Asylum for Your Assault Rifle?

By Kennedie Starr, Opinion Writer February 26, 2020

Last month, commissioners voted unanimously to make Uintah County a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County.” The ordinance seats the county as the first and only municipality in Utah to designate itself...

(Courtesy Flickr)

Emery: Teachers Should Not Need to Pay for Their Own Supplies

By Nate Emery February 25, 2020

On average, teachers in the United States are paid about 20% less than individuals in other similarly educated professions. On top of this fact, teachers work many long, uncompensated hours far beyond...

University of Utah student ….. from the Hardenbrook Ticket platform speaks on tuition fee issues during the ASUU Presidential Debate hosted by the Daily Utah Chronicle at the Union Theatre at the University of Utah campus on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020 (Photo by Abu Asib | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Barron: A Vote for Hardenbrook is a Vote for Campus Safety

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer February 24, 2020

  The views expressed in this article are only those of the author and do not represent the views of The Daily Utah Chronicle as a whole. At the ASUU Presidential debate, three student audience...

Buttons showing support for sexual assault victims during the sexual assault protest in the MEB parking lot on Friday, Nov 4, 2016. (Photo by Chris Ayers | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Cushman: Utah Needs to Clarify Its Consent Laws to Protect Survivors

By KC Cushman February 24, 2020

  The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network reports that every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted, and only five out of every 1,000 perpetrators will serve jail time for their crimes....

The Chronicle's Opinion Desk has endorsed Rebecca Hardenbrook's ticket for ASUU President. Her running mates are Devon Cantwell and Carlos Craig. (Courtesy Rebecca Hardenbrook)

Opinion Desk: The Hardenbrook Ticket Will Unite the U

By The Opinion Desk February 23, 2020

  Winning an election and leading ASUU should never serve as just another line on a resume. The student body president carries a huge responsibility, and it is critical that the upcoming presidency...