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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


An Australian service light armored vehicle drives through Tangi Valley, Afghanistan, March 29. The terrain of Tangi Valley is notoriously rough, but the ASLAV maneuvers across it with ease, said Australian army Lt. McLeod Wood, a troop leader for 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Mentoring Task Force 2, Combined Team Uruzgan.

We Should Think Twice About A New Afghanistan Surge

By Sean Williams April 2, 2017

For those who have followed the war in Afghanistan, the Central Command’s latest request for additional troops should look familiar. After all, a similar request was made in 2009, when then-president...

Graphic by Kangho Lee

Trump’s Wall Will Wipe Out Wildlife

By Lydia Morley April 2, 2017

Current President Donald Trump has proposed something absurd, and it has been a pillar of his platform since the beginning of his campaign. The great wall of Trump would supposedly curb illegal immigration...

Graphic by Paul Stevens

North Korean Aggression is Prominent, Despite the Nation’s Isolated State

By Nicholas Coleman March 31, 2017

A nation lost in time and solitary by nature, North Korea has long been wrapped in mystery. Seemingly angry at all others in the world, the hermit state is prone to periodic military outbursts, which often...

Trump Administration Invokes States' Rights On a Whim

Trump Administration Invokes States’ Rights On a Whim

By Sean Williams March 31, 2017

When the Trump administration opted to rescind the Obama administration’s previous guideline on transgender bathroom policy, state power was a big justification. A letter released by the departments...

Zion Curtain Shows Little Confidence in Utah Parents

Zion Curtain Shows Little Confidence in Utah Parents

By Peyton Dalley March 31, 2017

Have you ever heard of anything so outrageous that you simply cannot believe it’s true? That is what it’s like living in Utah. Most recently, the cause for confusion and humor is the dropping of the...

How to Beat Insomnia

How to Beat Insomnia

By Bailey Shelden March 29, 2017

Insomnia is something most adults will experience at some point in their life. Whether it is not being able to fall asleep or waking up multiple times during the night, everyone can agree not being able...

Rapists Should Face the Harshest Punishments

Rapists Should Face the Harshest Punishments

By Alisa Patience March 29, 2017

People can do horrible or illegal things for honorable reasons. You can kill someone in self-defense, you can steal to feed your family, you can sell drugs to pay for college, or, as is the case with the...

Dems Should Not Filibuster Gorsuch

Dems Should Not Filibuster Gorsuch

By Nicholas Coleman March 28, 2017

Following a week that accentuated divisions between lawmakers on the Judiciary Committee, the confrontational struggle over President Trump's Supreme Court nominee brought one particular phrase back into...

Traveling Will do you a World of Good

Traveling Will do you a World of Good

By Bailey Shelden March 27, 2017

Most people want to travel at some point in their lives. Nearly everyone wonders what life is like outside their hometown, and all it takes is that adventurous first step out into the rest of the world...

Cyberbullying: A Crime that Affects Everyone

By Autumn Barney March 25, 2017

According to the American Association of Suicidology, rates of suicide among 10 to 14-year-olds has grown 50 percent over the last three decades. Social media has exploded over the past 10 years. It’s...