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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Social Issues

The welcome wall on Presidents Circle at the University of Utah. Chronicle archives.

Weglinski: Freshmen, Get Out of the Utah Bubble

By Sonia Weglinski, Opinion Writer September 21, 2020

  The beehive state is among the least diverse states in the US, specifically the 44th least diverse in the country. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints make up about 62%...

Police in riot gear surround and block in protesters in the streets of Salt Lake City on July 9, 2020. (Photo by Ivana Martinez | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Reese: Sorry Conservatives, the First Amendment Doesn’t Care about Your Feelings Either

By Isaac Reese, Opinion Writer September 15, 2020

  In a recent cartoon for the Salt Lake Tribune, political cartoonist Pat Bagley called attention to the high number of white nationalists that occupy law enforcement roles in the United States....

Julius Rowe Jr. and his mother Danielle Rowe at the Black Lives Matter Protest at the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City on June 4, 2020. "He wanted to come and show his support and show that he is a little Black boy and he wants to have a future," Danielle Rowe said. (Ivana Martinez I Daily Utah Chronicle)

Barron: Sharing Facts Is Education, Not Indoctrination

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer September 15, 2020

  Utah’s largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police, recently demanded that the Utah State Board of Education decry the “political indoctrination” of school children, citing an alleged...

Social media pulled up on the phone on Wednesday, March 14, 2018. (Photo by Curtis Lin)

Alexander: Misinformation Discredits Social Activism

By CJ Alexander, Special Projects Managing Editor September 11, 2020

  No one can deny the revolutionary role that social media plays in today’s activism. With modern technology, we are able to communicate with people across the globe with just the click of a...

Attendee writes an Angela Davis quote in chalk at Washington Square Park for the Juneteenth celebration in Salt Lake City on June 19, 2020. (Photo by Ivana Martinez | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Soter: Hire an Artist of Color, Destroy a Racist Monument

By Theadora Soter, Multimedia Managing Editor September 9, 2020

  Fallen Monument Park in Moscow, Russia is full of statues of communist leaders, like Stalin and Lenin, who ruled Russia during the Soviet era. The park now commemorates the lives lost because...

Improving women's health care is essential to achieving gender equality. (Photo by Camille Rousculp | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Poma: Achieving Gender Equality in Utah Will Require Better Attention to Women’s Health

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor September 8, 2020

  For the third year in a row, Utah recently ranked the worst state in the nation for women’s equality. And, sadly, most people weren’t surprised. While the announcement probably calls the...

Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City photographed on August 28th, 2020. (Photo by Gwen Christopherson | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Soter: Why Won’t Christian Leaders Say Black Lives Matter?

By Theadora Soter, Multimedia Managing Editor September 5, 2020

  On May 25 of this year, in Minneapolis, George Floyd was brutally killed by a policeman, a civil servant who was supposed to protect him. His death, while tragic, was not surprising as he is...

(Courtesy Pixabay)

Burton: Politics Isn’t Making Comedy Worse — It’s Bad Commentary

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer September 4, 2020

  Comedy is a well-established institution within the entertainment industry. From Vaudeville comedy acts and stand-up, all the way down to the advent of online comedy such as podcasts and streaming...

A broken down Glock 19.
(Photo by: Justin Prather | Daily Utah Chronicle).

Alexander: Returning to Campus, Returning to Gun Violence

By CJ Alexander, Special Projects Managing Editor September 3, 2020

  American leaders and politicians seeking positions of power will say almost anything to gain votes. Time and time again, leaders make empty promises and fake commitments to push dishonest political...

A masked demonstrator, holding an upside down American flag, faces Utah law enforcement officers gathered in front of the Utah State Capitol Building on June 4th, 2020. (Photo by Mark Draper | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Poma: No, America Isn’t Pure Evil. But It’s Still Time for an Intervention.

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor September 2, 2020

  An op-ed published a few weeks ago from Utah Representative Chris Stewart defended what he called an unpopular opinion: “America is good.” Perhaps it’s not the most controversial topic...