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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Social Issues

Alvarado: Why Natural Beauty Is A Social Construct

Alvarado: Why Natural Beauty Is A Social Construct

By Andrea Alvarado September 10, 2018

Despite recent conversations regarding how beauty has acquired the undertone of body positivity, the number of cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States has increased by 200% in the last two decades....

Swanson: It's Okay to Experience the Art of Terrible People

Swanson: It’s Okay to Experience the Art of Terrible People

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer September 5, 2018

Kanye West made headlines when he returned to the public sphere earlier this year. He made tweets in support of Donald Trump and infamously said that slavery was a choice in a TMZ interview. At the same...

(Photo by: Justin Prather | The Utah Chronicle).

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By Jacob Brown September 4, 2018

Sometime between the development of ARPANET and the Senate hearing with Mark Zuckerberg, the tech industry transformed from an industry offering consumers a new world of personal freedom and productivity...

Alvarado: The Resurgence of White Supremacy

Alvarado: The Resurgence of White Supremacy

By Andrea Alvarado September 4, 2018

As a woman of color, I fear for my safety on a regular basis. I dread violence not only because of my gender, but because my ethnicity is another element of my identity that makes me vulnerable. It feels...

Scott M. Matheson Courthouse in Salt Lake City, UT on Monday July 09, 2018.

(Photo by Curtis Lin/ Daily Utah Chronicle)

Barron: The Promise of Exoneration is not Enough

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer August 26, 2018

A little more than a year ago, the University of Utah hosted a lecture with Barry Scheck, one of the co-founders of a nonprofit, The Innocence Project, which works nationwide to overturn wrongful convictions....

Alvarado: RuPaul's Drag Race Helped Me To Be A Better Feminist

Alvarado: RuPaul’s Drag Race Helped Me To Be A Better Feminist

By Andrea Alvarado August 23, 2018

Drag is not a new phenomenon. Wearing clothes of the opposite sex as a form of entertainment can be traced back to Shakespeare’s era when male actors had the task of playing the female characters in...

Alvarado: True Feminism Is Not Blind Support for Other Women

Alvarado: True Feminism Is Not Blind Support for Other Women

By Andrea Alvarado August 21, 2018

In the 1970s, Phyllis Schlafly successfully won the battle against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). She appointed herself as the “champion of mothers and wives” while condemning the feminist movement....

Petersen: Utah Conservatives Are Wrong to Reject #MeToo

Petersen: Utah Conservatives Are Wrong to Reject #MeToo

By Josh Petersen August 17, 2018

Of all the traditionally conservative Americans who do not feel aligned with President Trump, the Republicans of Utah may be the most distant from the man who radically changed the GOP.  Many Utah conservatives,...

Brown: Silicon Valley Has Deliberately Designed Habitually Addictive Platforms

Brown: Silicon Valley Has Deliberately Designed Habitually Addictive Platforms

By Jacob Brown August 12, 2018

In 2014, the viral mobile game Flappy Bird was suddenly taken off Apple's App Store by its creator. Intended only to be played casually, the creator had accidentally implemented what he considered "addictive"...

Petersen: LGBTQ Media's Failures in Representation

Petersen: LGBTQ Media’s Failures in Representation

By Josh Petersen August 11, 2018

In the Trump era, LGBTQ Americans are living through a maddening paradox. On one hand, the quality of life for many queer people has improved immeasurably in recent years. Homosexual people can legally...