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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


(Courtesy Pikrepo)

Burton: We Need to be Aware of Our Emotions During the Coronavirus Crisis

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer April 16, 2020

  Our lifestyles have dramatically changed because of the coronavirus. All throughout the world, shutdowns have caused economic crises, our favorite events are canceled and schools all throughout...

President Donald J. Trump, joined by United States Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan and Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan Department of Homeland Security, visit the border area of Otay Mesa, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2019, a neighborhood along the Mexican border in San Diego, California. (Photo by Shealah Craighead | Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Poma: Trump Wants to Close the Border to Slow the Pandemic. I Don’t Trust Him to Reopen It.

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor April 15, 2020

  Coverage of COVID-19 can be difficult to sift through. Given the global scale and rapid pace of the crisis, it can be easy to get lost among all the new information and not know about some pressing...

Nain Christopherson writes, "Each of us, on both sides of the political aisle, has likely shared wrong information before and will again." (Courtesy Pexels)

Christopherson: How to Handle Loved Ones Spreading Misinformation

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor April 14, 2020

  This semester, the University of Utah Honors College launched the project portion of a Praxis Lab called Truth, Deception and Information Disorder. You might have seen their lawn signs around...

Lynda Maxfield says that Utah's treatment of sex offenders is a crisis of empathy. (Photo by J. Prather | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Maxfield: Utah’s Empathy Crisis Rivals its Sexual Offense Crisis

By Lynda Maxfield April 14, 2020

  Over 2,000 convicted sex offenders make up roughly one-third of Utah’s prison population, and another 5,000+ Utah residents are required to register as sexual offenders. These statistics frighten...

Isaac Reese says that universal basic income could have lessened the economic and public health crises of COVID-19. (Photo by Justin Prather | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Reese: Universal Basic Income Isn’t Radical

By Isaac Reese, Opinion Writer April 12, 2020

  The world is teetering under the mortal and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of necessary social distancing practices, a massive recession is expected to hit the world...

The front gate of the Utah State Prison in Draper. (Photo by J. Prather | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Starr: ‘Flattening the Curve’ Shouldn’t Exclude the Incarcerated

By Kennedie Starr, Opinion Writer April 11, 2020

  Utahns have been directed to remain in their own household as much as possible to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The state’s K-12 schools, higher education campuses and churches have all,...

(Photo by Justin Fuchs | Courtesy U.S. Air Force)

Cushman: I Am Voting Spencer Cox for Governor and You Should Too

By KC Ellen Cushman, Opinion Writer April 11, 2020

  Before school was moved online in response to the pandemic, I had the opportunity to hear Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox speak at a Hinckley forum about what the next ten years in Utah will look like....

"Though many college students will continue to endure the brunt of standardized tests in our post-graduate careers, there’s hope that the next generation will not," writes Sasha Poma. (Courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Poma: Students’ Futures Should Not Be Decided By Test Scores

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor April 11, 2020

  The standardized test system impacts many students’ college careers, and it continues even after undergraduate admissions with tests like the GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and CLEP. Plenty of problems...

"As consumers of true-crime media, we have a responsibility to think critically about the information that we are presented with rather than taking it at face value." (Courtesy Ellsworth Air Force Base)

Emery: Be Cautious When Drawing Conclusions From True Crime

By Nate Emery April 10, 2020

  Over the past two decades, true crime has become one of the most popular genres across several mediums. As of December 2018, the "Serial" podcast had over 400 million downloads and was the fastest...

"An inaccurate census count will continue to hurt Americans long after this pandemic is over."(Courtesy Wallpaper Flare)

Barron: Don’t Let COVID-19 Harm Utahns Further Through Inaccurate Census Results

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer April 10, 2020

  As April Fools was effectively canceled this year, April 1's other, lesser-known “holiday” was brought to the forefront, with celebrities, state leaders and even former presidential candidates...