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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Utah State Capitol. Chronicle archives.

Edwards: False Advertising Pitches Term Limits as a Simple Solution

By Sheely Edwards, Editor-in-Chief November 6, 2019

  The United Utah Party recently launched a ballot initiative campaign to impose limits on state elected officials in Utah. If passed in November 2020, “Unite 4 Term Limits” would limit state...

(Illustration by Alex Garcia | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Cushman: Party-Run Primaries Present Problems

By KC Ellen Cushman, Opinion Writer November 6, 2019

Faith in American institutions has been on a decline since 1958, when the National Election Study first began polling about trust in the government. The amount of Americans who believe they can trust their...

(Courtesy Pixabay)

Crofts: The Diversity Lie

By Porter Crofts, Opinion Writer November 4, 2019

On college campuses across America, including the University of Utah, the insistence on, demand for and enforcement of diversity has gone too far. Like most people, I am a supporter of diversity, but there...

(Courtesy of Ron Cogswell)

Christopherson: Utah High Schools Should Reevaluate The Risks Of Football

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor November 2, 2019

A former high school football player from Cache County recently sued his school district over injuries sustained after his coach put him back in play despite a traumatic brain injury. Konnor Finn alleges...

(Design by Piper Armstrong | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Chavez: ‘Joker’ Hits a Nerve But Never Goes Deeper

By Paij Chavez, Opinion Writer November 1, 2019

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers and plot details about "Joker" (2019).  Whether you are a fan of comic books and superhero movies or couldn't care less, it has been nearly impossible...

"Utah schools need to remain safe, and hopefully, it will inspire the rest of the country to follow." (Photo by Victoria Hills | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Barron: Student Input Is Essential to Create a Truly ‘Safe U’

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer October 31, 2019

When I moved into Officers Circle this August, there was a sign taped to the front door of my house with big bold letters reading, “For your safety security cameras are being installed to monitor entry...

(Courtesy of Dan Meyers on Unsplash)

Christopherson: Utah Should Follow Florida’s Lead with Mental Health Instruction Mandate

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor October 30, 2019

Earlier this month, we celebrated World Mental Health Day, and the World Health Organization placed a special emphasis on suicide prevention. Suicide prevention is an alarmingly pertinent topic in Utah....

Courtesy of Peter Salanki

Christopherson: Where Were the Bi Flags at Campus Pride Week?

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor October 30, 2019

Update: A Pride Week Committee member reached out to our staff to let us know there was a bi flag on the walkway during Campus Pride Week. We've left this article as is since the arguments still stand,...

Skiing with Peter in Little Cottonwood Canyon outside Salt Lake City, Utah on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019. (Photo by Kiffer Creveling)

Starr: If Utah Ski Resorts Don’t Collect Fees, The Snow Will Pay The Price

By Kennedie Starr, Opinion Writer October 29, 2019

The “greatest snow on Earth” is at risk of becoming run-of-the-mill. The 2018 ski season resulted in one of the highest skier-spending years since 2010, despite the year’s lower than average snowfall....

(Courtesy Pxhere)

Swanson: If You’re Going to be a Single Issue Voter, Please Vote on Health Care

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer October 26, 2019

The debate over the future of healthcare has been at the forefront of American domestic policy for over 70 years. It was the number one issue among Democratic voters in 2019 and has been on the top 5 list...