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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


(Courtesy of Morgan Barron)

Barron: I Applied for my Concealed Carry Permit Without Ever Touching a Gun

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer March 8, 2019

    As I searched for a seat in the crowded hotel meeting room, I looked around at the other students enrolled in the mandatory course. I passed a businessman muttering into his Bluetooth,...

(Courtesy of the Barnes Ticket)

Petersen: The Barnes Ticket Represents an Increasingly Diverse Student Body

By Josh Petersen February 28, 2019

  In this year’s ASUU elections, one major race feels especially anticlimactic. The race for the ASUU executive branch, which includes the student body president and two vice presidents, has...

(Courtesy of Pxhere)

Sonnenberg: Service Serves You, Too

By Kristiane Sonnenberg February 24, 2019

  I have dozens of excuses for why I don’t volunteer more often. There’s always more homework to do, cover letters to write and Saturday mornings to be filled with sleep. I tell myself that...

(The Daily Utah Chronicle Archives)

Petersen: Voting Matters, But the Younger Generation Needs to Do More.

By Josh Petersen February 23, 2019

  Based on stereotype alone, twenty-somethings are far more interested in tweeting about safe spaces than actually doing the hard work of inspiring political change. Though this idea is grossly...

Some of The Daily Utah Chronicle staff
(Photo by: Justin Prather | The Daily Utah Chronicle).

Scott: Feel Voiceless on Campus?

By Elise Scott, Opinion Writer February 18, 2019

  The first time I applied to a student-run publication, I was seething with anger. My application arrived soon after the tragic carjacking incident at the University of Utah that took student...

(Photo by Tom Denton | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Sonnenberg: Pro-Life and Pro-Women

By Kristiane Sonnenberg February 15, 2019

  The Women’s March on Washington considers pro-life feminism to be a dangerous oxymoron. A pro-life group called the New Wave Feminists was briefly listed as a co-sponsor of the first Women’s...

Image by Nick Youngson

Alvarado: Are Atheists Less Trustworthy?

By Andrea Alvarado February 9, 2019

  Although the First Amendment clearly states that freedom of religion is protected under the Constitution, there is confusion surrounding atheism and the rights of those who consider themselves...

(Photo by Zach Nguyen)

Sonnenberg: Why I Get Relationship Advice from a Celibate Man

By Kristiane Sonnenberg February 8, 2019

  Most people ask their friends and family for relationship advice and try to learn from couples that they admire — couples who have been there, done that and survived the hard times. I get relationship...

(Photo by Mark Draper || The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Brown: Race Relations and the LDS Church: A Problematic History of Revisionism

By Jacob Brown February 5, 2019

  The Book of Mormon is a product of the century it was written in and the doctrinal policies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were shaped by an America which structured its society...

(Photo by David Ngo | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Sonnenberg: Why Women Still March

By Kristiane Sonnenberg January 30, 2019

  The 2019 Women’s March has been roiled by accusations of anti-Semitism and questions about the effectiveness of public protests. Regional and local marches also struggled with the appropriateness...