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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Swanson: Another Day, Another Campus Event

Swanson: Another Day, Another Campus Event

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer May 22, 2018

It starts with orientation. It’s your first actual campus event as admitted students of the U. It can be scary and a bit of a shift and it can potentially turn people off the idea of attending future...

(Courtesy WikiMedia Commons)

Petersen: Mitt Romney and the GOP’s Working Class Failures

By Josh Petersen May 20, 2018

In a recent Washington Examiner profile that got attention for all the wrong reasons, Mitt Romney randomly announced: “My favorite meat is a hot dog, by the way. That is my favorite meat.” The awkward...

Sonnenberg: Cry it Out: A Response to Tucker Carlson

Sonnenberg: Cry it Out: A Response to Tucker Carlson

By Kristiane Sonnenberg May 15, 2018

Before it was taken down on May 2, Nemo Miller’s “cry closet” at the Marriott Library went viral on social media and drew the attention of national media outlets like CBS and Business Insider. Reactions...

Utah Chronicle File Photo

Patience: What I’m Going to Miss About Utah

By Alisa Patience May 5, 2018

For many, this semester is their final semester at the University of Utah. There are several things those students will undoubtedly miss. I’ll be spending a semester in Florida for an internship, so...

Graphic by Ashlyn Cary

Swanson: College Friends Aren’t Forever

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer May 2, 2018

Nothing lasts forever, and as I’m sure many of you have experienced by now, that includes the relationships you have with your closest friends. It’s a fact of nature we like to ignore and that catches...

Graphic by Paul Stevens

Park: Korea Needs More Teachers Like Keating

By Chan Kyu April 30, 2018

In the film “Dead Poets Society,” Welton Academy is an elite conservative boarding school. At school, English teacher John Keating greets his students with a surprising teaching method. He expresses...

Lifting Hands International (LHI) with Helping Hand for Relief & Development (HHRD) loads donated supplies into a trailer bound for Jordan  on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017
Adam Fondren

Braden: U.S. Should Do Its Part to Help Refugees

By Paul Braden April 27, 2018

The enduring consequences of conflicts abroad have a pesky way of reaching our shores irrespective of American involvement. No product of war, like the people it displaces, has a more tangible impact on...

Photos of the Bennion Center of the University of Utah on April 10, 2018.
Matt Gubler

Patience: Volunteering is About More Than Just Building Your Resume

By Alisa Patience April 26, 2018

A wise man once said, “There’s no such thing as a selfless good deed.” That man was Joey Tribbiani, a beloved fictional character from the sitcom “Friends.” Throughout high school, students...

Patience: Planet Earth Deserves a Fun Summer

Patience: Planet Earth Deserves a Fun Summer

By Alisa Patience April 26, 2018

Happy Earth Day, and happy finals week. First of all, it's important to recognize that the biggest problems with the environment are not caused by individuals. They’re caused by big companies who use...

Coleman: Kevin Williamson and Acknowledging the Provocative

Coleman: Kevin Williamson and Acknowledging the Provocative

By Nicholas Coleman April 26, 2018

“It won’t be that bad," he said. "The Atlantic isn’t The New York Times. It isn’t the high church for liberals.” Following political outrage that The Atlantic hired former National Review columnist...