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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Patience: What Makes A Good Professor?

Patience: What Makes A Good Professor?

By Alisa Patience January 30, 2018

Utah is full of great schools. One of the reasons I chose to attend the University of Utah, specifically, was because in my high school it had a reputation for having great professors. That reputation...

Patience: 8 Ways College Students Can Stay Healthy

Patience: 8 Ways College Students Can Stay Healthy

By Alisa Patience January 29, 2018

If there’s any proof that eating healthy in college is difficult, it’s often best explained by the sudden weight gain referred to as the “freshman-15” or, in some cases, the “freshman-30.”...

Williams: Journalists Are Using the "Game Frame" Regarding Politics More than Ever

Williams: Journalists Are Using the “Game Frame” Regarding Politics More than Ever

By Brook Williams January 29, 2018

Have you ever listened to your friend energetically explain the latest drama in their life and as you listened you thought to yourself, “They’re probably exaggerating and acting biased.” You can’t...

Emily Mecham

Williams: Preventing False Narratives About Eating Disorders

By Brook Williams January 29, 2018

There are several widely spread misconceptions about eating disorders. Many of these misunderstandings can cause harm to people with and without eating disorders due to the way media portrays them, so...

Barber: White People Can't Speak for the Experiences of People of Color

Barber: White People Can’t Speak for the Experiences of People of Color

By Shaelyn Barber January 29, 2018

Let’s be honest, white people don’t face many issues in the U.S. We have the upper hand in just about everything: we have an easier time getting jobs, we have better access to higher education, we...

Parkin: Technology As Harmful As It Is Helpful

Parkin: Technology As Harmful As It Is Helpful

By Natalie Parkin January 28, 2018

Cell phones, over the last couple of years, have taken over our lives. They are by our side 24/7. If we ever leave them in the room next to us, we feel bare and connectionally lost. This constant need...

Coleman: U Meditate

Coleman: U Meditate

By Nicholas Coleman January 28, 2018

Short of receiving a midterm three weeks into the semester, nothing is more terrifying than the extensive list of mundane tasks assigned to students each week. Between academics, employment, hobbies and...

Jensen-Coon: The Irony Behind the Failing Perfectionist

Jensen-Coon: The Irony Behind the Failing Perfectionist

By Kelcy Jensen- January 28, 2018

"Fail. I cannot fail. Failure is for people who are weak, people who can’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps. If I fail, I am nothing. If failure makes its way into my life, the people I care about...

Swanson: We Shouldn't Sweep the False Toronto Islamophobia Story Under the Rug

Swanson: We Shouldn’t Sweep the False Toronto Islamophobia Story Under the Rug

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer January 28, 2018

On January 12 the Islamophobic assault of an 11-year-old girl shocked the world when she reported that an older man attempted to cut her hijab on her way to her Toronto school. In the company of her mother,...

Foglesong: London Captures the Beauty of Adventure

Foglesong: London Captures the Beauty of Adventure

By Samuel Foglesong January 28, 2018

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876 and died 1916. Between those years he packed in about as much adventure as is possible for one human being. London is famous for his tales of the wild and...