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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Patience: The He-Man Hurts All Men

Patience: The He-Man Hurts All Men

By Alisa Patience January 22, 2018

When you hear the world “masculine,” what do you think? Do you think of Thor, the God of Thunder? Do you think of professional wrestlers who make it their jobs to be strong? Does Clark Kent take off...

Braden: Healthcare is a Right, Not a Privilege

Braden: Healthcare is a Right, Not a Privilege

By Paul Braden January 18, 2018

According to our current president, “No one knew healthcare could be so complicated.” He’s partially correct. Health insurance and the way Americans, or anyone around the globe for that matter,...

Headache School at the U Aims to Help Those Suffering From Migraines

Headache School at the U Aims to Help Those Suffering From Migraines

By Jacqueline Mumford, Managing Editor January 18, 2018

The University of Utah Department of Neurology partnered with the Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation to establish a headache outreach program at the U. The Headache School offers individuals suffering...

Swanson: Consider A Life Without Labels

Swanson: Consider A Life Without Labels

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer January 17, 2018

What word would you use to describe yourself? Friend? Brother? Daughter? Republican? Feminist? Jewish? Black? Gay? Swedish? Gamer? Female? Whenever I’m asked to describe myself using words, there’s...

Braden: Tuition Costs Should Focus on Education Quality

Braden: Tuition Costs Should Focus on Education Quality

By Paul Braden January 16, 2018

Students attending public universities are well aware of the series of certain hard-to-swallow realities that simply come with attending one. Along with the rigor involved with the actual course work and...

Patience: Prioritize Healthy Eating Over Dieting

Patience: Prioritize Healthy Eating Over Dieting

By Alisa Patience January 16, 2018

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people make is to lose weight. People do this by working out, going to the gym, but most often by going on diets. Unfortunately, most people don’t...

Swanson: Identifying ‘Whataboutism’ and Why It Doesn’t Progress Anything

Swanson: Identifying ‘Whataboutism’ and Why It Doesn’t Progress Anything

By Gavin Swanson, Opinion Writer January 15, 2018

On January 7, the Golden Globes were broadcasted live to the world. It is the first major entertainment award show to be hosted since the explosion of the #MeToo movement and sexual abuse allegations made...

What happens when you combine completing your last semester of full time university with a photography competition. Entry for Canon Photo5 2009 Brief 4: Spectacles Portraiture.

Barber: Political Exhaustion: A Chronic Condition

By Shaelyn Barber January 15, 2018

I live in a perpetual state of exhaustion, and I think it has something to do with the U.S. political system. The government is a wreck right now. The two parties can’t stand each other, and most people...

Jensen-Coon: Wild Hair, Don't Care

Jensen-Coon: Wild Hair, Don’t Care

By Kelcy Jensen- January 15, 2018

How we speak, what we wear, even our hair color and style can help define who we are. Should we assume an identity crisis if a change in hair colors and style do occur? A few weeks ago I found out that...

Parkin: College Loneliness 101

Parkin: College Loneliness 101

By Natalie Parkin January 15, 2018

Loneliness is not uncommon among young adults, especially in college. It’s ironic that someone on a campus swarming with students can feel more alone than ever. It seems that social lives start over...