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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Utah State Capitol

Gov. Herbert’s Support For Trump Shows He Doesn’t Represent Utah

August 24, 2016

On March 18, 2016, what would have otherwise been a normal Friday night in Salt Lake turned out to be anything but. Outside the Salt Lake City and County building, hundreds of people, a half dozen cameras...

The Olympics Should Unite, Not Divide

The Olympics Should Unite, Not Divide

August 24, 2016

Since their inception in the year 776 B.C., the Olympic Games have served as an unifying medium through which numerous athletes compete for distinction in a number of events. Over time, the Games have...

Ignorace Is The Root Of LGBT Mistreatment

Ignorace Is The Root Of LGBT Mistreatment

August 24, 2016

A new wave of degradation and ignorance is sweeping higher education, and it manifests in the form of subpar official investigations of reports of sexual assault on campuses. Across the country, students...

Student clubs and organizations gathered together for Plazafest January 8, 2016 in the Union Ballroom | Chronicle archives.

The Right Clubs For All The Right Reasons

August 22, 2016

The crux of “college involvement” advice is often related to the chance being involved in clubs and organizations will fill up your résumé and land you a really sweet gig after college. I tend to...

Student clubs and organizations gathered together for Plazafest January 8, 2016 in the Union Ballroom | Chronicle archives.

Take A Break From The Work And Join A Crazy Club

August 21, 2016

PlazaFest: the perfect opportunity for students to network, explore and meet up with people that have similar interests. It may even be the perfect chance to get involved with the more obscure groups on...

Beware the Wicked Halls of LNCO

Beware the Wicked Halls of LNCO

August 15, 2016

The night of my first day of college, I dreamt I missed class because I got lost. I’m told such a dream is common, and that most people at some point have them. You know what I’m referring to: the...

Zheng Zheng, associate professor of physics and astronomy, covers key concepts for his universe class | Chronicle archives.

Op-Ed – Remember to Check the Reviews

August 15, 2016

Congratulations! You’ve made it past what you may (or may not) have thought was the hardest part of your life: high school. While those four years may have seemed tedious and like they weren’t worth...

Senior business admin and political science student Esther Blanco studies in the Marriott library, Monday September 28, 2015.

Canvas Should Be Mandatory for Teachers

August 11, 2016

It’s no secret that technology makes life easier. Virtually everything has become electronic. When universities decide to use Canvas, an online learning management system, it allows students to know...

RSL Makes Good Move Reinstating Reporter's Credentials

RSL Makes Good Move Reinstating Reporter’s Credentials

August 11, 2016

Real Salt Lake made headlines last week and not for a spectacular win or exciting trade. Rather, RSL was in the news because the franchise announced that Gordon Monson, a longtime sports columnist for...

Stuff You Should Know Going Into College

Stuff You Should Know Going Into College

August 11, 2016

I’ve been writing for The Utah Chronicle since my first semester at the U, so I’ve been through my share of “Openings” editions of the paper. And while I feel like the whole advice spiel has been...