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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


What I Wish I Had Known When I Started College at the U

What I Wish I Had Known When I Started College at the U

June 14, 2016

I wish I had known that I knew absolutely nothing. I wish I had known that I would switch—and contemplate switching—majors for the entirety of my first two years at the U, and that my emphasis would...

Words of advice to incoming students

June 14, 2016

My oh-so wise and backed-by-experienced words of advice to the incoming class of Utes who are now officially “on their own": Schedule early morning classes, but never go. Ever. Life is so much better...

Take your own advice for a great college experience

June 14, 2016

Three short years have passed and here I am, a Senior, contemplating what I’m supposed to have learned in college. Let me tell you: I’ve learned a lot about not very much, and very little about a lot. The...

In need of confrontation: America's culture of excess

In need of confrontation: America’s culture of excess

June 12, 2016

If there is one word to describe the United States in a nutshell, it is “more.” As Americans, we simply expect excess to come naturally. And the sad truth is that it almost always does. Whether it...

We Should Reconsider Ape and Primate Captivity

We Should Reconsider Ape and Primate Captivity

June 9, 2016
The shooting of a 17-year-old silverback gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo begs the question: what are gorillas doing in zoos in the first place?
Transgender Acceptance Is On the Way

Transgender Acceptance Is On the Way

May 31, 2016

Before I graduated high school, I remember visiting a friend at her dad’s house (let’s call him Bill), and the topic of homosexuality came up. Being the 60-something-year-old conservative Christian...

Terry Tempest Williams' Resignation Shames The U

Terry Tempest Williams’ Resignation Shames The U

May 31, 2016

Renowned environmental scholar Terry Tempest Williams announced earlier this month that she’ll be stepping down from her fellowship position in the U’s Environmental Humanities Graduate Program, a...

Beware the Overconfident

Beware the Overconfident

May 29, 2016
The Dunning-Kruger Effect explains how incompetency makes people oblivious to their own stupidity

Millenials Should Avoid Regret By Focusing On What Is Important

May 20, 2016

Through the hustle, bustle and stress, spring finals actually tend to be a fairly reflective time for me. I look back on each academic year as they end and think about everything I’ve learned and experienced....

Utah Gov’t Needs to Focus on the Real Public Health Crisis: Air Quality

April 28, 2016

Four to eight percent of deaths along the Wasatch Front are attributed to air pollution. Utah’s air quality is associated with higher rates of breast, lung, cervical, brain, nasal, pharyngeal, liver...