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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Solving the Existential Crisis of Humanity with Stephen Hawking

Solving the Existential Crisis of Humanity with Stephen Hawking

February 5, 2016

Stephen Hawking, already revered by the masses, entered a new tier of mythos last year after he was portrayed in "The Theory of Everything." He was seen (via the performance of Eddie Redmayne) as a star-crossed...

Run With the Wolf-Pac to Get Money Out of Politics

Run With the Wolf-Pac to Get Money Out of Politics

February 4, 2016

This has got to be the freakiest presidential election the United States has ever hosted. Americans fed up with “career politicians” have rushed to fill the corner of a man whose only qualifying virute...

Changing Times Mean Changes in Traditional Parenting

Changing Times Mean Changes in Traditional Parenting

February 4, 2016

For years, the model for raising a family has revolved around the idea that the man would go to work and his wife would stay home to watch, tend to and raise the children while also covering household...

Student-Run K-UTE Could Fill Niche in Utah Radio

Student-Run K-UTE Could Fill Niche in Utah Radio

February 3, 2016

Does K-UTE need its own FM station? It’s a tricky question. Utah radio is a dry climate. There aren't a lot of stations between country and whatever’s currently trending. Unless you’re listening...

It's Time to Step Away from the Virtual War

It’s Time to Step Away from the Virtual War

February 1, 2016

We have all been a part of or at least witnessed the new social media trend of hashtag activism. With recent atrocities such as school shootings, police brutality and terrorist attacks unfortunately becoming...

Head to Head: Is Macklemore's New Song a Positive Contribution to Race Conversation?

Head to Head: Is Macklemore’s New Song a Positive Contribution to Race Conversation?

February 1, 2016

Macklemore Checks His Privilege Effectively With New Song by Justin Adams Macklemore recently released the third single, titled "White Privilege II," of his upcoming album. In it, he asks questions about...

LDS Church Changes Policies on Social Whims

LDS Church Changes Policies on Social Whims

February 1, 2016

Last week I wrote an article on the LDS Church’s new policy on gay marriage, and my belief that the Church’s persistence in condemning gays and forbidding their children from receiving the same rights...

Watch What You Eat: Diet Can Effect Your Genetic Bequeathment

Watch What You Eat: Diet Can Effect Your Genetic Bequeathment

January 31, 2016

In an evolution class last year, we collectively made Lamarck a recurring joke. Lamarck, the biologist preceding Darwin in the progression of evolutionary thought, theorized that animals evolve in correlation...

GOP Pres. Candidates Need to Realize Climate Change Threatens National Security

January 31, 2016

I watched the Republican Debate last Thursday, but I'm not sure why. With "ringleader" Trump's refusal to attend the debate, I figured it would be less theatrical, less circus-y and centered more around...

Letter to the Editor: US Visa Waiver Program

January 30, 2016
OP-ED WRITTEN BY: Hamid Ghandehari