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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Oregon Occupation Illustrates Society's Failings

Oregon Occupation Illustrates Society’s Failings

January 11, 2016

The takeover of the Federal building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon is a perfect representation of how we have failed as a society. The situation exudes white privilege, hypocrisy and...

The "Millennial Attitude" Is Justified

The “Millennial Attitude” Is Justified

By Alisa Patience January 9, 2016

Millennials are those lucky individuals who were born between 1982-2004, as reported by The Washington Post. We’re known for having smartphones glued to our hands and not having our lives figured out....

Media Should Have Classified Planned Parenthood Shooting as Domestic Terrorism

Media Should Have Classified Planned Parenthood Shooting as Domestic Terrorism

December 29, 2015

Journalists are supposed to be objective, concentrating on the facts of a story and eliminating personal biases. But the contrasting coverage of the San Bernardino and Planned Parenthood shootings offer...

Crowdfunding Allows Niche Audiences to Invest in Products They Want

Crowdfunding Allows Niche Audiences to Invest in Products They Want

December 27, 2015

Crowdfunding has really taken off in the past few years. Websites like Kickstarter, GoFundMe and Indiegogo have had a lot of success in helping to fund small development teams. But what's really amazing...

Technology as a Gale of Creative Destruction Not So  Good for Individual  Happiness

Technology as a Gale of Creative Destruction Not So Good for Individual Happiness

December 23, 2015

My intermediate microeconomics class this week brought up the topic of happiness, which is often expressed in economics terms as “utility.” We discussed whether American people today are happier than...

Why Christians Should Support the "War on Christmas"

Why Christians Should Support the “War on Christmas”

By Justin Adams December 21, 2015

'Tis the season to get outraged. Or that’s what it seems like, anyway. Each year the Christmas/holiday season (take your pick) seems to be more and more absorbed in this stupid debate about a “War...

Zuckerberg's Philanthropy Still Meaningful, Despite Publicity it Received

Zuckerberg’s Philanthropy Still Meaningful, Despite Publicity it Received

December 11, 2015

There is no such thing as meaningless charity, right? Whether or not those giving away their wealth do it for the right reasons, the most important thing to consider is who the funds will positively affect....

Paris Conference Copes With Climate Change

Paris Conference Copes With Climate Change

December 10, 2015

The objectives of the Paris Climate Summit are far from simple. The governments of more than 190 nations have come together in Paris to attempt to work out a new global agreement addressing climate change....

Devin Young, a graduate student in mechanical engineering, prepares for his finals coming up next week, Tuesday, December 8th, 2015.

Pro Tips: How to Succeed During Finals Week

December 10, 2015

The time is now, friends. Finals: They are upon us. At times like these, we must stick together to ensure the greatest amount of success. While we may feel the urge to hibernate, to recede back into the...

Paris Conference is a Bunch of Pie-Crust Promises

Paris Conference is a Bunch of Pie-Crust Promises

December 10, 2015

What do climate summits and Republicans have in common? They are equally effective in mitigating a response to the negative impacts of climate change. It’s been the same song and dance at climate summits...