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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Draper prison relocation is just a business plan for legislators

January 13, 2015

When I was a child, my mother once tasked me with the responsibility of being the steward over a dark chocolate cake that was baking in the oven. Her directions were simple: When the oven buzzer went off,...

Consumers should buy only sustainably grown palm oil products

January 12, 2015

Palm oil can be found in nearly half of all grocery store products. It is employed for a wide variety of uses, including pre-cooking instant noodles, enhancing the shininess of chocolate, increasing the...

Sponsors need to support athletes through somewhat-inevitable head injuries

January 12, 2015

Last October, former professional snowboarder Kevin Pearce returned to Park City for the second time since his career-ending accident documented in the 2013 Sundance film “The Crash Reel.”...

Science before the Superbowl

December 10, 2014

If you asked students why they attend university, their answers would boil down to getting a decent education. However, for a select few students, education may not be the most important priority. Former...

Period of a moral conscience

December 10, 2014

Just like all disparities in life, polarity within political party affiliation is usually attributed to opinion or preference. As it goes, the Republicans lack heart and the Democrats lack logic. But could...

Baseless accusations perpetuate protests in Ferguson

December 10, 2014

Maybe it’s the turkey talking, but what if I were to say that President Obama was elected simply because he was black? After all, he has a funny name and may or may not have even been born in this...

Cliques apply even to ski resorts, should affect where skiiers decide to go

December 10, 2014

With ski season in full swing and winter break right around the corner, many students are faced with a dilemma: from which ski resort they should purchase a season pass. This can be a difficult choice,...

Gov’t attempts to appeal ruling on Guantanamo videos reveal lack of transparency

December 10, 2014

In our modern world, where technology improves each day and where it is virtually impossible to Google a question and not come up with some (albeit often inaccurate) answer, it might come as a surprise...

Profiling a part of daily life, from Tinder to the TSA

December 10, 2014

With over 1.5 billion profiles on the online dating service Tinder, it is likely that you have used this popular and effective dating tool at one point or another. In fact, I would be willing to bet after...

Shimer College should not be condemned for untraditional teaching methods

December 10, 2014

Imagine if a typical day at school consisted of sitting on the floor of a crammed classroom with six to eight peers, discussing the works of Nietzsche and Freud under the unobtrusive and quiet observance...