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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Putting money in the political process destroys democracy

November 10, 2014

The political divide within America has long been symbolized by the colors red and blue, for Republicans and Democrats, respectively. The association is so strong that each color has become almost synonymous...

Awareness is the first step to preventing suicide

November 10, 2014

The word “suicide” — albeit taboo — is no new concept in American society. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death...

Religion can affect mental health for better or for worse

November 10, 2014

Whether or not you consider yourself a religious or spiritual individual, chances are you are familiar with the belief that relying on a higher spiritual being is linked to attaining happiness and fulfillment....

Aggression in humans must be channeled constructively

November 10, 2014

Philosophers and theologians have documented their theories on the essence of human nature for years. There has been heavy debate over the humanistic proposals of people like Thomas Hobbes, and his rival,...

Society needs to stop normalizing catcalling

November 10, 2014

It is clear from the car honks and off-pitch whistles that have almost entirely replaced genuine conversation-starters that chivalry, at least in public, is dead. The phenomenon of “catcalling,”...

Utah’s indeterminate sentencing policy could be improved but remains effective

November 10, 2014

Utah is unique in the way it handles crime. The intermediate sentencing policy upheld by the state is unlike any other in the nation, and as such has received both praise and criticism. Randy Richards,...

Students should band together to promote divestment

November 10, 2014

In December 2012, Bill McKibben, a prominent environmental writer and activist, spoke at the U’s climate rally. Salt Lake City was McKibben’s final stop on a nationwide speaking tour that was...

Students should focus on voting for candidates with a strong stance on higher education

October 29, 2014

Over Fall Break, the U hosted a debate between Republican Mia Love and Democrat Doug Owens, candidates vying for the seat occupied by the retiring Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) in Utah’s 4th congressional...

All students should exercise the right to vote

October 29, 2014

With Halloween just around the corner, many U students will undoubtedly be exercising their right to act like children again by donning masks and wearing colorful costumes while partying the night away...

Campus cultural groups should make inclusivity a priority

October 28, 2014

For a relatively small community, the U boasts an impressive amount of diversity on campus. Approximately 28 percent of the student body is non-white, and eight percent are international students....