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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Utah needs to take a stand on climate change

September 30, 2014

Climate change was the go-to topic last week, which began with marches around the globe and culminated in speeches at the U.N. Utah saw its own march, with several dozen citizens gathering in downtown...

Turns out money can buy happiness, to a point

September 29, 2014

Happiness has been recognized as a valuable, if not essential, component of human nature for many years. But what is it, exactly? This question has inspired religion, philosophy, art, music and more. In...

Media coverage of abuse marginalizes male victims

September 29, 2014

Listening to the news without hearing about at least one domestic abuse incident seems close to impossible lately. NFL athlete Ray Rice started the onslaught of recent stories with the emergence of a video...

The cost of education is rising, but so is the payback

September 25, 2014

In today’s economy, many Americans are finding it difficult to justify pursuing a traditional four-year degree after high school. Constantly rising tuition and other college costs, combined with...

You can improve the U

September 25, 2014

Whether one is a creationist or an evolutionist, both sides agree that things get better over time, at least when it comes to people and how they do things. All it really takes is some simple observation...

Hemp deserves legalization so we can explore its ‘untapped potential’

September 25, 2014

What do the first draft of the Declaration of Independence and Canadian supercapacitors have in common? Hemp. Dr. David Mitlin recently led a research team at the University of Alberta that converted cannabis...

Dog lovers should consider ill effects of crossbreeding over “cuteness”

September 24, 2014

A cursory stroll along Reddit lane is but a small reminder of our social obsession when it comes to canines — the wrinkled face of a pug and the goofy, lopsided grin of a golden retriever can summon...

Department of Defense’s anti-terrorism costs leave no room to combat climate change

September 22, 2014

The Department of Defense needs an intervention, because it has a serious addiction problem. On an average day, the department requires an injection of roughly 14 million gallons of oil to satisfy its...

Opponents of marriage equality need to bust myths and read up on the history

September 22, 2014

Last Thursday, supporters of traditional marriage gathered at a rally in the Utah State Capitol in advance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s slated review of whether to take on any of five separate states’...

Society should dismiss prejudices against cosmetic surgery

September 18, 2014

“Plastic surgery” is a seemingly harmless phrase that has the power to generate negative images almost instantaneously. These two words take us to a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills TV set,...